The spy

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The pj masks and Cosmo got on the pj riders and took off. At the same time, Romeo and dark oak were tracking the planet egg with zoomzania's planet egg.

Cosmo: I hope we can beat him.

Owlette: we will Cosmo, we're heroes.

???: sure about that?

Dark oak was in front of them.

Catboy: we got you dark oak! It's just you!

???: is it?

Romeo walked out from behind dark oak.

Pj masks: Romeo?!

Cosmo: get away from him! He's tricking you!

Romeo: like I'd care.

Gekko: let's do this. Super gekko camouflage. As he turned invisible.

Dark oak: don't think that your invisible your a match for me. As he pulled out his sword and started to spin and hit gekko.

Catboy: gekko!

Owlette: are you okay?

Gekko: I'm good.

Cosmo: come on riders, help your owners.

The pj riders agreed and ran to dark oak.

Dark oak: foolish animals, I'm stronger then you think! As he punched cat striped king and lifted lizard king and threw him a eagle owl.

Pj masks: our riders!

Romeo: don't try anything pj brats. As he caged them.

Dark oak: wait, let them out.

Romeo: what?

Dark oak: I think they deserve to know the truth.

Catboy: what truth?

Cosmo: what are you on about.

Dark oak: you know what I'm on about cosmo. Aka, white seed.

Cosmo: white seed?

Dark oak: let them out Romeo, they must know.

Romeo: alright. As he released the pj masks.

Owlette: what do you mean by white seed.

Dark oak: I obviously know owlette.

Owlette: how do you know me?

Dark oak: the chip in Cosmo's brain.

All: what?!

Dark oak: before green gate exploded, I planted a chip in Cosmo's brain to track her every move. Her eyes are my eyes, her ears are my ears. She is my secret spy, her code name is... white seed.

Cosmo: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Pj masks: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Dark oak: now to get what I came here for! As he shoves his hand in the ground and rips out the planet egg as earth's life begins to die.

Romeo: we'd love to stay and chat, but we gotta go. As he uses a smoke bomb and he and dark oak were gone.

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