New Visitor - Chapter 5

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Mission: Get Dream out of Prison


Dream's POV


Boring, Boring, Boring life. Prison isn't fun and there is literally nothing to do. I could write but that's no fun. I brought Wilbur back from the dead and he's alive. I miss Fundy. Wilbur probably has seen Fundy by now. Fundy looked up to Wilbur while in L'Manburg. L'Manburg, more like L'Childburg with RacoonInnit, Tubbee, Fundip, and Fruitybur.

I laugh a bit to myself. It's so funny to think about what their faces looked like when Eret betrayed them, L'Manburg exploding. So much to think about. I hear some of the lava drain, there must be a visitor. I look to the other side. I can't believe who I see. It's Fundy! I get up and walk near the entrance into my cell. Fundy gets on the platform and crosses over. I'm smiling for the first time in a while. He steps off and the bridge retracts. The bars that separate us gets removed.

"Welcome," I say. Fundy looks around a bit while saying nothing.

"So this is what you live in. It's... empty," Fundy murmurs. He seems to be figuring out what to say to me. I walk over and sit on the chest. It's the only form of seating in this place and I've learning that comfort is now wood. The obsidian floor is awful to sit on and the sink... I don't feel like getting wet. The chest isn't the most comfortable but it will work I guess. My sense of comfort is different from what I knew before prison. There is no bed. I might not have a house but at least I could sit down on wool or something in the community house. There were chairs better than a chest outside of prison but I don't really remember that form of comfort anymore.

"You don't seem bothered by having to sit on a chest. Come to think of it, you don't seem bothered by having to even be here in the first place," Fundy tells me. He seems confused.

"When your trapped here and tortured by Quackity while Sam lets all of it happen for about a year, just sitting on a chest is a gift from XD," I reply. Fundy seems concerned as soon as I say that.

"I'm guessing all the scars that cover you are from Quackity then?" Fundy asks.

"Yeah. It stopped hurting awhile ago though dearest," I reply. Fundy freezes as soon as I say that. He still remembers the dates and all of the times I would call him that.

"Sam!" Fundy yells out. I may or may not of f*cked up...

Welcome to a world where Wilbur and Fundy are only good friends for the sake of Dundy Angst. Longer Chapter but I'm happy with it. Fun Fact of Today: A crocodile can not stick it's tongue out!

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