A Possible Mistake - Chapter 12

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In another part of the SMP............................................

Fundy POV


This is stupid. I'm inlove and I'm getting punished for it. I don't want to talk to Wilbur. Maybe it would be good. Maybe I should just go on a walk to clear my mind. Or maybe I should try to sleep and never wake up again! That would be nice. Sleep and not worry about the world or anything around me. I should move if I'm not in Las Nevadas. I mean I have a house already but I want to get further away from Las Nevadas. I'm tired of Quackity. I'm tired of everything!

"I'll always love you," Dream's words were fresh on my mind. He said it so long ago but it still stays with me. I can't love him. But I do love him. Can I die now? I'm so tired of ignoring my feelings and the way I feel but Dream is the villain... right? That's what they all say but what if he isn't the villain. Maybe he has a good and logical reason or maybe I'm trying to  justify a psychopath's actions because I still love him. Maybe Quackity is right. I should just give up on him.

"Fundy!" I hear someone call my name. I don't want to look behind me but I feel as if I don't have much of a choice. I turn around to see Sam and Dream beside him. Dream seems excited but trying to keep it to himself.

"Uhhh, hi?" I reply quite confused. Why is Dream next to Sam and why is Dream happy and WHAT THE F- IS DREAM DOING OUT OF PRISON??????

"I have a proposal for you, Fundy. I want you to take care of Dream. He is under your care. He will be your responsibility. Could you do that for me?" Sam asks. I know Sam is exhausted running the prison and Dream really shouldn't be locked up in prison for that long. Stupid Emotions...

"Sure," I say nervously. Dream seems to be holding back from running at me. I feel like I may or may not have just made a mistake......


HI!!! I've been gone for a long time but I'm back!! I'm not dead... yet. Today's fun fact is..... Wolves are nocturnal which means they sleep in the day and are awake in the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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