I'm sorry. Let's break up.

62 7 3

5 Years Ago

"Seokjin?" Jungkook half called as he peeked into the dressing room where Seokjin were supposed to be in.

After the song that was supposed to serve as Seokjin's entrance sound had ended and his to-be husband still hadn't stepped out, he had looked at Seokjin's best friend Jimin, who stood beside the entrance of the room, waiting for the said groom.

"Maybe he is nervous, let me go and check on him" Jimin had fondly said and walked out of the room with Jungkook in tow.

"Where is he? Let me text him, maybe he went to the bathroom" Jimin said and picked up his phone after the two hadn't found Seokjin in the room.

Maybe Seokjin had been extremely nervous at the time, he always got so nervous when facing changes. Jungkook himself had felt like he had just run a marathon and back with the way his heart had been beating.

"Strange, his phone is off" jimin uttered, looking up his face contorted into deeper confusion as he saw Jungkook with a letter in his hand.

Jungkook didn't answer, not because he hadn't heard him but because his attention was fixated on the letter in his hand.
As Jimin was calling seokjin he was looking around the room when he approached the vanity table and spotted the neatly folded letter with the words 'to my love' on the side facing up.

He remembered feeling nothing but a little exasperated as he read the curt words written inside. Seokjin was never good at pulling pranks and this one was not it either.

"Jimin I can't believe you guys would pull this today, where is seokjin" Jungkook had sighed slightly annoyed by then, it really wasn't a funny prank.

"What are you even-''Jimin grabbed the letter in Jungkook's hand, the words in it silencing him.

It was no longer funny, if it even were to begin with, but it really was no longer funny as the silence stretched and tears began to fall from Jimin's eyes.

"Jimin, tell me where seokjin is. This is not something you guys should be doing today" Jungkook had urged and maybe Jimin had heard the desperation in his friend's voice for it had prompted him to fully burst into tears while repeatedly saying sorry.

"What are you saying, why are you saying sorry?!" At this point Jungkook was gripping his arms frustratingly trying to make sense of jimin's tears soaked sentence.

"H-he had said yesterday he wasn't sure if he was making the right decision with this and I-I just thought he had cold feet like most people and we had talked it through and he seemed fine and even today when I was helping him get ready he was fine. I don't understand, I don't know where he is, he just told me half an hour ago that he wanted to be alone to calm down but he was happy, he was fine. I'm sorry" Jimin desperately sobbed as he tried to recall any moments that may have led up to this.

Jungkook wasn't sure what he was feeling during that time as his mind absorbed Jimin's words, now he thinks the denial he was going through blocked everything else.

Maybe it was seconds after or minutes after but he found himself rushing past Namjoon. He wasn't sure if the sky was mocking him as it drenched him but he had ignored his friends calls for him as he slammed the car door shut before speeding off.

He remembered rushing out of the elevator like a mad man, had frantically fumbled with his key card and with a hand on the handle, he paused.

He half chuckled lightly, this situation was just too ridiculous he thought as he took a moment to calm down. 'Everything is going to be fine, Seokjin just wasn't ready and that's okay, we are okay, everything is going to be okay'. It wasn't.

"Seokjin, baby?" He called out as he stepped into their home.

"Baby please talk to me, it's okay everything is okay just please"

At the time he had thought that seokjin was there, so he had tried to reassure him that everything is okay but as he wandered around their shared space he had a sinking feeling that maybe he was just trying to reassure himself.

When the painful reality had settled in, he had crashed down on their bed and broke.

'I am sorry. Let's break up'

He'd screamed and wailed as he thought about that stupid letter, what was it even supposed to mean, they were together, things don't just end like that especially not when they were just minutes away from expressing their vows. Why was it happening? This wasn't fair to him.

The last thing Jungkook had remembered from that horrid night was pressing his face into Seokjin's pillow. It was a pitiful attempt to find Seokjin's presence through the tear soaked cotton as the sky shattered outside and how ironic, Jungkook felt like he was shattering too.


Current Time

"Mr Jeon, the meeting starts in ten minutes, I will proceed to start preparing for the presentation" the voice of his assistant which sounded through the intercom broke the stream of memories.

Jungkook was sitting in his chair facing the tall windows as the rain pounded against the glass and the sky lit up.

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