Not Fair

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Jungkook's POV

''Do you really have to answer it right now?''
While in the middle of unbuttoning his shirt the insistent ringing of his phone caused him to frustadley stop his initial motion to pick up the phone, finding it to be a strange number only fueled his frustration.

''Who is it?'' he answered impatiently. No one could be heard and as the silence stretched he got increasingly more impatient. After the day that he had had at work today, the person on the other line should be happy that he still had a tendril of patients left to not curse at them for calling at this hour.

''i'm hanging up-'' However before he could even finish his sentence a voice abruptly cried out a wait and maybe it was the panic that could be heard but he decided not to hang up and wait, he waited until the voice continued and till his orbit came to a halt.

"Jungkook-ah, it-it's me, Seo-Seokjin. I-I am sorry for calling this late, I-I just, can I please meet you, I-I need to explain-" And he hung up the phone.

As sudden anger starts flaring in his chest he gets off the bed and button back up his shirt and storms out of the bedroom and out of the house, ignoring the bewildered shouts behind him.

With a sharp turn he stops the car and slams his palms into the wheel. Body exhaustedly hanging over the wheel he just has one thing in mind, why?

'Meet up? explain? I'm sorry for calling this late? Is that really what he is sorry for right now? Why now?' Leaning back into the driver's seat he stares ahead at the windshield window screen and watches as the memories play out before his eyes, one after another.

For the last five years he has lived life like a breathing corpse. He had searched and scoured every possible place that came to mind, visited back on every possible moment seokjin may have left a hint he might have blindly overlooked, just hoping to get any semblance of an answer, but in the end the universe ultimately decided that he wasn't worthy of it.

After a year of him searching the world leaving no stone unturned he returned home. For another year he patiently waited in hope for him to return, he spent the time focusing only on work and isolated himself from his friends and family.

Then a new set of seasons came by once again, with the consistent effort of his friends and family he slowly was able to find a footing again, he succeeded in his goals and took over his father's position as the CEO.

The universe had a funny way of operating, giving him a glimpse of flickering hope before shutting the door in his face. Now he had woken up to reality, the reality that only he was left behind to live in the past. The bitterness and resentment biting at his bones couldn't wait to consume him whole. Cold, bitter and resentful to life, everything he was not, suddenly he became and he found no reason to stop it.

Now five years have gone by and he is living life perfectly fine, he is surrounded by loving friends and family, and love? There's a copious amount of people falling at his feet to love him. He doesn't need anyone back anymore.
'He is back with an explanation five years later' At the thought he lets out a strained and humorless laugh.


If Jeon Jungkook was in a bad mood yesterday then today he is ... yes, if all the employees running out of his office with distress printed on their faces is anything to go by.

The moment Hoseok walked into Jungkook's office he was sure that if he didn't possess the innate optimism running through his veins, the word distress would be printed on his face in a big, bold and ugly font too.

''Jungkook-ah what's with the expression you are scaring the living matter out of everyone'' Hoseok jokes, trying to melt the piercing gaze.
''It seems as if no one knows what to do around here unless it's spelled out for them. It's been a week since Seri quit and people are running around like headless chickens. So as long as you still can't find me a new personal assistant everyone has to deal with it'' Jungkook expressed and glared at Hoseok.

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