A "Wonderful" Meeting

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It went- I'd say decent. It wasn't a fun meeting and there was a hell of alot of convincing but they've now got something planned. Better than nothing but they won't tell me what the events going to be. It's not like it'd hurt anyway.
As I made my way home I thought for a moment, would Mallory have already been done tidying? Most likely, I gave him an order and that's what he's doing. Simple.
Speaking of which, I thought maybe I'd go out to dinner. How's that related? Well why not bring Mallory. I don't think any past contracts would let him have some sort of 'chill day.'
If you know what I mean.
"I see you've arrived back, Mx. Y/N" Mallory was there to greet me at the front door, opening it for me. We weren't that close since it hadn't been that long but he was acting like we were. Maybe it was his job, or perhaps something else.
For now I won't assume, as he's only just a servant after all.
I walked inside and looked around, definitely shinier if not cleaner in general. "I see you followed my orders just as asked." I told Mallory.
"Indeed, just as you commanded." Mallory said in reply, "I suppose the meeting went well?" he asked, seeming as if he already knew the answer.
"Yeah I supposed it did but the mayor won't tell me what the event is gonna be. Besides its not like there would be any harm in-" I paused, an immediate realization hit me. "Mallory if I commanded you to find out what it was, could you?" I asked.
"Under some circumstances, yes." He told me, I figured he meant people could be stubborn or not even know it themselves. Which was understandable in a way but if I told Mallory to do something then he'd probably do whatever he could to make it happen. Including torture or murder, I could leave that out within the order but in some cases it may be the one thing to get someone to talk. I've thought that it's interesting how the human mind works compared to a demons.
"Mallory, I was wondering if you would go with me to a dinner place. Help in dining people I guess." I said, putting on a light jacket. I know I had just gotten home but it was just about dinner time.
"Given the order, I will not disappoint Mx. Y/N." He said in reply with a small bow.
"Mallory go wait in the car or something and pick us out a restaurant." I ordered, he almost immediately got to it. It's one quality I was starting to like about him. I decided I'd find something extra to bring or wear. I don't recall ever seeing what Mallory had in his room. It'd be rude to go through it in terms of privacy but sometimes it just feels as if he was hiding something from me.
Going through Mallorys drawers I found something wrapped in purple velvet fabric. Odd he'd have something that seems so important in such a vulnerable place. I unwrapped the fabric to find a hair pin, in his handwriting was the name 'Abigail' engraved onto it. Such small letters too, wouldn't be surprised it was his writing anyway. I'll ask about it later, during dinner perhaps.

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