Voluntary Participation

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We were gathered in the center of town, the fountain that had made this place so special. I was standing in the crowd of people, Mallory by my side. If he wasn't so noticeable than I probably would have lost him while walking here, but I'd doubt he'd lose me. I wouldn't be so surprised if we had to listen to the mayors speech first. The dragged on speech that seemed entirely unnecessary before the event..
"And I would like to announce that the winner may receive a uhm.. Prize of some sort from me, your mayor, once I uhm- Figure that out." The mayor stated to the townspeople, stepping off the center fountain. Another person stepped onto the fountain, they seemed to be the direction giver in this place.
"Hello everyone, I assume you're all here because of the mayors order for a gathering. He mentions a prize but for what you may or may not have asked?" She said, continuing after a few nods or 'sure's came from the crowd. "I figured so, my name is Koliano, Lola Koliano. I'll be the instructor for the participants yet to be chosen." She said, pulling out a clipboard. "As you may have heard me say, we will be picking out participants. Would anyone like to volunteer for the Skill Battle Challenge?"
A what? A skill test? This was the event? The mayor couldn't come up with anything better? I guess it'd be interesting to watch, or maybe to participate in, I just hope if I did participate I wouldn't have to fight anyone. I haven't been working out lately, I didn't really have a reason to. And I didn't want to find out how much my strength was reduced through some town event. I didn't want to have my a̷s̷s̷ handed to me on a silver platter. "You! In the F/C shirt! Standing next to that weird looking guy in a suit." I heard Lola say, I almost started stuttering when trying to get the words out. "You mean- Me? I'm not all that interested in participating but I-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I was rudely interrupted. "Oh you'll do fine just come on up here, you are the one who suggested the event, right?" Lola said to me, I could feel eyes from every direction. Regardless of what they meant or even what they were there for. "Oh and I'd like to remind chosen participants to come see me once we've directed everyone to the bleachers of the sports field." Lola said to the crowd, I could heard the sound of her choosing other participants. Some I might have seen or heard of before. None I was ever close too.
The choosing and the sorting was soon finished, I realized Mallory hadn't left my side regardless of the fact he wasn't participating. I reached into my pocket, hoping to pull out my keys, I always kept my goodluck charm on there. Then I remembered, I left those at the car. In fact, I left them in the car. "Mallory." I said, turning to him. "Yes, Mx. Y/N?" He said, side eyeing me. "Would you be a dear and try to get my car keys from the car. I think I locked them in there." I told him, he nodded at me, walking away to the direction of where we parked. It might just keep him busy enough to not watch me fail horribly in this.
I hoped I could at least do decent, otherwise I'd be the towns biggest embarrassment. The thought of losing in an event of my own suggestion. I take it into consideration that I didn't suggest we do a skill course though.
As I made my way to the small group of people, Lola Koliano introducing them, I kept my hopes high that'd I'd at least do decent enough to be on a podium.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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