Trying Out Cooking

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Quick lil note here for the ones that don't read descriptions. P/P = Preferred Pronoun(s)

Did I even know that much about gourmet cooking? Mallory always made fancy food so why not give that a try.
"Goodmorning Mx. Y/N," A familiar voice said, it was Mallory. "Would you like me to prepare breakfast?" He asked, seems like nothing of the conversations yesterday affected him. Just his job I guess.
"Mallory I was wondering if you could teach me a recipe or two. Maybe I could cook some days, you cook others you know?" I said, knowing he'd probably say yes due to our contract.
"Of course, perhaps we start now or would you like to get dressed first?" He asked, I'd honestly rather cook in pajamas. These are pretty comfortable. Though I guess I could put a robe on.
"We can go now, I like these pajamas" I stood up and walked to grab my robe before leaving my room to go downstairs. Mallory followed close behind, I could hear his steps through this whole estate. He always wore these heel boot things, whatever they're called. I guess he looked good in them, if I said anymore it'd be as if I liked him and that's probably bad. Right?
I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, immediately grabbing one of the books. There was 4, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert/other recipes each with their own sections. Oddly organized. I looked through the breakfast one for something I would like. "How about this recipe?" I asked, looking at Mallory while pointing to a recipe.
"Lovely, says here that first you need a pan and the stove set to six (6)." He said, as I handed the book to him. Mallory held the book to where he and I could both see it. I grabbed the pan, doing exactly as Mallory said.
"Next you want to cut a slice of butter a few centimeters thick onto the pan. Then crack two eggs into a bowl and whisk them using a fork or a whisk." He told me, it was as if I was following his orders.
"You may add seasoning of your liking into the egg." He added.
It's fun cooking with the right help though. Odd enough, this gourmet dish started off as an omelette.
"Once it's cooked enough, in which I will notify you of, you'll want to flip it." Mallory said, I don't think I remembered how to do such. Certainly wouldn't hurt asking for help.
・Mallorys POV・
I do remember the days I'd help someone cook. Tended to be the nicer few of the contracts I've had. I watched as Mx. Y/N followed the recipe, P/P didn't seem the greatest at cooking but was certainly not the worst. I enjoy the time I spend when it comes to a contract with a good person. Though difficult to part after attaching and such.
"Mallory could you help me flip this?" Y/N asked, I walked over.
"Do I have permission to guide your arm?" I asked, it'd be polite to ask first. Y/N nodded and so I took P/P hand after walking behind them. We were close yes but hopefully not in an awkward or uncomfortable way. I guided P/P though the rest of the cooking, for me it hadn't been too difficult.
I kept thinking something felt awfully familiar about this, bringing back memories of-


It felt so familiar because it was her, it had been Abigail who I had remembered from Y/N this whole time, this whole contract. Though I knew full well these two were different, it still felt as if there were qualities and traits that could of make Abigail and P/P similar if not close to the same. Thinking about it leaves an odd, saddening feeling that I can't seem to get rid of. I had grown so attached to a few people within these contracts that I was blinded from what the contracts were truly for.
・Y/Ns POV・

"Mallory are you alright? Your expression changed and I hadn't done anything then." I was a bit concerned for the change of expression from him, it was odd. We hadn't known each other for long but it felt odd seeing his face change like that.
"Ah yes- Nothing you did, not at all. Simply lost in my own thoughts for a minute and I had remembered something. Nothing more." He stated, his expression returned about to the normal one, but it was still off.
Once we'd been done cooking we had a reflective conversation, hadn't been much but good to know I didn't screw up breakfast. It was actually pretty good for a possible first time. I do still wonder about the expression change- What had Mallory remembered anyway? It couldn't have been so much as to 'break character' right?

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