STORMY NIGHT(no Percy didn't anger Zeus)

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Percy gripped Annabeth's hand tighter. The were at the entrance of school when lightning and rain started to pound against the pavement. Instantly theres friends ran up with them. 

Cole whistled "now thats a storm if I've every seen one" Percy gulped and Annabeth rubbed her thumb in circles on his knuckles. If his dad and Zeus were fighting it could be very bad. An announcement came over the P.A. 

"Students if you are still here, we unfortunately won't be able to let you leave due to safety. The roads are closed because of flooding and its to dangerous to walk due to the lightning. We will provide sleeping bags and food. Think of it as a school sleepover. Your parents have all been notified. Thank you for you're cooperation"

 Annabeth looked to Percy "we should go talk to Paul then I'M Hestia" 

Percy nodded and turned to their friends "were gonna go to Pauls classroom to ask him whats going on"

 Max snorted "I think its pretty obvious whats going on. Climate Change" 

Percy chuckled nervously and Cas laughed "we will meet you at Pauls class in a second, I guess we will go call our parents first" Annabeth and Percy nodded and started walking quickly to Pauls classroom. When they got their Paul opened the door before the could knock.

 His expression was grim "Hestia I'Med Piper who called Sally" 

Percy walked in and sat on a desk pulling Annabeth next to him "what did Hestia have to say?" 

Paul huffed "she said that Zeus blamed Poseidon for his unwillingness to bug you two for help. Poseidon though is adamant you guys deserve a break." 

Percy rested his head on Annabeth's shoulder who said "so there fighting about us?" 

Paul nodded "although Hestia says they didn't need any help with anything right now and Zeus is just trying to get on your fathers nerves" 

Percy mumbled into Annabeth's hair "sounds like him" 

"Hestia also said it should blow over by tomorrow so try not to get involved" 

Percy smiled slightly "when have a ever gotten involved when I didn't have to?" 

Annabeth smirked "how many quests have you snuck into with out being invited" 

Percy whined "thats not far because every time I only snuck to help you" Annabeth's heart fluttered and she kissed his cheek. 

Paul smiled at them "Sally already knows you have to stay the night at school. Principal Rowen is splitting the boys and girls up with girls in the gym and boys in the lecture hall, but you and your friends are free to stay in here" Percy smiled gratefully. He and Annabeth wouldn't be able to sleep apart. Ever since his Halloween nightmare their nightmares had been worse. Percy was upset though because he was planning to talk with the gods and Fredrick that night about his upcoming proposal. He also was gonna have to tell there demigod friends his plan but first wanted to go to Athena so she didn't attempt to smite him. 

Now it would have to wait a few days since Percy knew Annabeth was gonna want to got to camp that weekend to make sure everything was okay after the storm. Even though camp halfblood didn't experience weather Percy figured Chiron had already told the demigods about the storm. 

Annabeth whispered "we should let our friends know what Paul said" 

Percy grimaced "after Halloween do you think they will question us more about the nightmares?" 

Annabeth shrugged biting her lip "I don't know Seaweed Brain but no matter what we will deal with it." The confidence in Annabeth's voice made Percy smile. Seconds later Cas and Garret entered the room with a hold bunch of chips and sodas. 

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