Wedding Planning pt.2 (the dress)

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Percy woke up first the next morning. Annabeth's arm was draped over his stomach and he took a second to look at the scar that was still forming. The skin slightly raised and red. He willed himself not to break down and instead trailed his fingers lightly over the puckered skin a reminder that Annabeth would not break easily and neither would he. 

 Annabeth, who had woken without Percy noticing said "you know the scar on my shoulder, I think i'm the most proud of it" 

Percy looked up smiling faintly "Its my favorite to" 

Annabeth said letting her hand drift to the scar on the small of Percys back "this is definitely my favorite one you have"

 Percy laughed "me to, you will forever be my point of light Wise Girl" 

Annabeth gave him a kiss "I think thats a given considering i'm going wedding dress shopping today" Percy chuckled and gave Annabeth another kiss. 

She sat up and when Percy groaned she said "sorry Seaweed Brain but our dress appointment is at ten and its already nine thirty" 

"But i'll miss you" he whined. Annabeth rolled her eyes and Percy rolled out of bed, he was going to visit camp that day to talk to Chiron. As much as Annabeth hated having him go without her she knew there would be no other time to go dress shopping and they really needed to talk to Chiron. The couple got ready and Annabeth I'Med and called her bridesmaids to see if they were ready to meet at Sunnys Bridal. Annabeth also called Malcom figuring her big brother might also want to go but he said he wanted to be surprised. Sally was going to take Annabeth and the girls and Percy would take BlackJack to camp. 

When they walked out of the room Sally was already holding the keys basically jumping up and down "ready to go Annabeth?" Annabeth laughed realizing all of Percys restlessness didn't just come from the sea god. 

"Yep, everyones already nearly there to meet us" Sally nodded and turned away allowing Percy to give Annabeth a sweet kiss and tell her to stay safe and she made him promise the same thing 

"Ill try" Percy responded and Annabeth knew that was the best either of them would be able to do. After all being a demigod they were never truly safe. Sally and Annabeth left the house as Percy called for BlackJack. Sally and Annabeth started their walk down the street to the store. 

Sally said "you know Annabeth I may not be your mother but you are family and i am honored your allowing me to take you dress shopping" 

Annabeth smiled "thankyou Sally for everything" They exchanged a small and motherly hug and then continued there walk. Annabeth started asking about the baby who was due about a month from then and Sally answered all her questions happily. When they got to the store the mortals and demigods were already outside and seemed to be talking happily. Thalia hugged Sally immediately even though they had seen each other just a day before. 

Annabeth looked around frowning "wheres my mother?"

 Piper said "her, my mom, and Lady H are coming later they had some stuff to deal with at work" Annabeth nodded wondering if it had anything to do with what happened yesterday. 

She started to worry about Percy and Katie rolled her eyes noticing "he's fine stop worrying" Annabeth glared at her but nodded

. Cas said "we should go in since you have an appointment" Annabeth nodded pushing down her worry and pushing open the doors. The shop was large Annabeth could tell even just from seeing the front desk and the clear doors on either side of it. The women at the front desk turned to them. 

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