The Confession

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Karen froze. Mordecai, is the rapper in the song airplanes? This can't be. Karen has known Mordecai for several years and she had never heard of him even knowing how to rap.

"Yes, I know it is a bit shocking Karen, but it is better that not many people know." He spoke. His feathers turned a darker blue. Was he embarrassed? Why would he be?

"Why are you blushing Mordecai?" Karen asked.

"Well, because I am just nervous. I never thought you would know. And I guess I am a little bit relieved. It was hard keeping this secret from you." He looked Karen in the eyes.

"Ok enough mushy gushy embarrassing stuff, I have something to say." Twilight Sparkles said coldly. "You need to keep this secret. NO MATTER WHAT! No exceptions. And if you don't keep the secret..." Twilight took her hoof and made a chopping motion near her neck.

"Ok she gets the Idea Twilight." Mordecai said sternly. "Now what I need you, Twilight, to do is get out of my house. Karen, I need you to stay."


"Because you butted into my house and immediately started yelling at Karen. She was taking care of me. I will call you later but right now, I need to talk with her about something."

Twilight looked at Mordecai. Her mouth quivered and her eyes teared up. She ran out of the house.

"I am so sorry about her. She tends to be very direct about her beliefs." Mordecai sighed. His head was in his wings.

"It is fine. I can tell she really cares about you." Karen chuckled.

"A little too much" Mordecai said and he rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Take a walk with me and I will explain." He got up and softly took Karen by the hand. Her motors sped up. He led her outside of the back of the house to a garden.

The garden was beautiful. It had a rainbow of gardenias all over. There were a few rose bushes and a wooden arch framed by plumerias. In the middle of the arch was a stone bench. The legs of the bench had vines growing up it. Mordecai led Karen to the bench, and they sat down next to each other.

"Twilight is a bit too close for me to be comfortable. She tries to go wherever I go and see me whenever possible. It gets a little overbearing. Especially taking her feelings into consideration."

"What do you mean by her feelings?"

"Twilight is in love with me." Karen's heart dropped. "But I don't feel the same way about her. Someone else has my heart." His face turned a darker blue again and he turned away. He then took both of Karen's hands into his wings. He looked up. His eyes. So beautiful like always. Except today they had a different quality to them.

"Karen, I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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