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Eventually the group all decided to go for a walk. Dan instead went back to his hotel room since he was tired after flying over that morning. It was dark outside but that just meant the group had more freedom.

Ollie and Trix walked at the front of the group with Cyra and Noah close behind, the two couples talking about something random. Then came Leah and Cable, bickering as usual and still denying their feelings for each other. Wren was walking between Alec and Bea, the trio shoving each other constantly. At the very back of the group Ash and Mark were holding hands a little away from the others.

"Where do you guys wanna go?" Ollie called from the front. "I was thinking the skatepark first since most of us have our boards with us," Alec yelled in response, lifting their board as if to prove a point. Everyone else agreed so that's where they went.

Ash, Trix, Noah, Cyra, Bea, Cable, Leah and Alec were all skaters and carried their boards almost everywhere. Ollie just liked to watch the others and Wren's balance was terrible, she couldn't even stand on a board.

 Ollie just liked to watch the others and Wren's balance was terrible, she couldn't even stand on a board

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"Hi," Mark spoke softly. "Hi," Ash replied, swinging their hands between them. "Hi," Ranboo repeated. "Why are we just saying hi?" Ash asked. "I honestly don't know," Mark laughed, squeezing Ash's hand. The shorter blushed. "You know something I find funny?" Ranboo asked. Ash hummed in response. "When we first met you acted so confident and bold but you're secretly this quiet, shy creature that needs constant affection. It's cute." He said the last part quieter but Ash still heard and blushed even harder.

"I'm not cute," Ash argued. "Sure, and I'm short," Mark laughed and ran his thumb over the back of Ash's hand, effectively making the redhead look like they were wearing some kind of tomato cosplay. "Oh shut up," Ash muttered, faking annoyance.

Ranboo suddenly let go of Ash's hand. Right before the younger could protest, Mark instead wrapped his arm around their shoulders, pulling him closer. Ash looked up at him with a soft smile and in that moment, Ranboo wanted nothing more than to kiss them. But right when the two leaned in they were interrupted.

"We're here kids," Trix called over her shoulder.

Ranboo, Ollie and Wren were sat on the grass talking at the edge of the park watching the others

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Ranboo, Ollie and Wren were sat on the grass talking at the edge of the park watching the others. Ash and Alec were on the half pipe, Leah and Cable were on the steps and rail, Cyra and Trix were at the manual pad and Noah and Bea were practicing some flat ground tricks.

I Can Feel It [Ranboo x OC]Where stories live. Discover now