Songs for this chapter
The Vamps- Can We Dance
One Direction - Live While Were Young
Meghan Trainor- Lips Are Movin
SoMo- Hush
Justin Bieber- Beauty And A Beat
Joseph SoMo
" Your pregnant? As in we are going to have another baby? "
" Yeah "
Holy fuck, Holy shit.
" I'm going to be a dad? And your going to be a mum?. Oh my fucking god. I'm so happy. " I cried.
Bella got off the bed and wrapped her arms around my wasit and I fell on the floor with Bella on top of me. I looked at her with glossy eyes to see her eyes were the same and I grabbed her face and wasted no time kissing her.
It wasn't a lets fuck kiss its more of a I love you and I'm happy with the good news kiss. I have no clue how long we were kissing untill Bella pulled away. Her lips were red and puffy from the ' make out session '. Who the fuck even calls it that.
" I love you, You know that don't you? " I mummbled into her ear.
" Yeah and I love you too " She kissed me on my jaw.
" I would love to stay like this all night but I got a shower to take if we have to be at the resturant soon. "
" Okay baby. I'm happy we have been given a second chance. " I kissed her one more time and watched her walk into the bathroom.
A hour later she walked out the bathroom in just her towel and I headed to the music room to sort out SoMo Sunday. I can't believe we are going to have another baby. I just hope now we can now have a good and happy life.
Bella Prescott
I must of been in the shower for a good hour, Because when I got out I was like a prune. I wrapped the towel around my body and headed into the bedroom to get ready ( See picture at top Bella/Joseph )
I checked my phone and It was almost time to go. I was just about to find Joseph when I heard him call my name from downstaries.
" I'll be down in a minute babe. " I grabbed my bag and my phone and put my shoes on and with one last look in the mirror I headed downstraies.
" Babe the car is here " Joseph yelled and turned around and looked at me with wide eyes and his jaw touching the floor.
" What " I smiled
" You look, Amazing babe. "
" You don't look so bad yourself and thank you baby. "
I kissed his cheek and we headed out to the car and on our way to the resturant. It's been ages since me and Joseph have been on a date. But I can just tell this vacation is what we both need after everything thats has gone on.
I was pulled out of my day dream by Joseph telling me we were here. He jumped out the car and then held his hand out for me to take and he intwinded his fingers with mine and we headed inside and to the table he booked.
The table was in a quite part of the resturant and on the red covered table there were a few candles with a bunch of red and white roses.
" Joseph, Wow "
" It's nice isn't it. After you " He pulled my chair out and I sat down.
I had a look around and the resturant was white walls, a black celling and wooden floors and the tables were black and red. It was beyond beautiful.
" I got this for you babe, Well for us " He pulled a brown envolpe out his pocket.
" What is it? " I asked as I took it off him.
I opened it and it was the papers to say that he had bought the Penthouse and that it was now ours.
" Y-You bought t-the p-penthouse? " I put my hand over my mouth.
" Yeah so when the baby is born we could always take trips every year as a family " He placed his hand on top of mine and rubbed my knuckles with his thumb.
" It's amazing Joseph, I love you "
" I love you too, And I don't mean to ruin this cute moment but shall we order as I'm fucking hungry and we will need to keep our strenth up tonight " I kissed his hand.
We ordered stake and mash with Joseph's favourtie salad and beer to go with the meal. What is with guys and beer? I'll never understand. The food arrived not lond after we ordered it and Joseph pulled a dark blue box out of his pocket.
" I got you this aswell " I placed the box in my hand
I opened it to see and silver necklace that had a few charms and there was a heart in the middle that said ' I Love You, Mrs. SoMo '
" Joseph its fucking beautiful. But if I had kownen I would of got you something aswell. "
" I have you, My soon to be wife and a baby on the way. You both are all I need. Here let me put it on you "
I stud up from my seat at he put the necklace around my neck and kissed me slowly. I pulled away and we sat back down.
" I love you Joseph. "
" I love you Bella " He winked and we ate our food and for the rest of the night we made small take and stole kisses untill we were ready to leave.
" Don't you want any desert " I took one last sip of beer
" The only desert I want is you. I have wanted nothing more then to fuck you here all night with you looking fucking stunning in that dress. " He smirked at paid the check and grabbed my hand and headed outside and into the car and back home.
Joseph had his hand on my thigh while he kissed me hungryly and full of lust. We arrived home and he picked me up bridel style and into the penthouse, He locked the door and carried me up to the bedroom with his lips never leaving mine.
" Lets get you out this dress. So we can have desert " He slapped my arse.
Before I yepled I was pushed onto the bed and Joseph was on top of me.

Promises Or Heartache? ( Joseph SoMo Book 2 )
FanficYou & I book 1 ( Read before you read Book 2 ) A year after Chad's funeral Bella and Joseph are happy then they have ever been, with Bella having her own dealership with Kyle ( ex drug dealer ) and Joseph with his music career. But when on vacation...