- part one -

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Finally, after a long process, the Acosta family finally made it to North Carolina all the way from Cuba. Compared to Cuba, it was a very small place, and way less populated. Salvador managed to find a decently sized home, at a decently low prize. It had some minor flaws but nothing that can't be fixed. They're in the moving in process now.

"How many more boxes is there to move in?.. i'm bored" Layla mumbled with slight annoyance.
"Quite a few, we are moving after all.. but the moving in part is so exciting, so cheer up querida!" Claire enthused as she picked up a box and moved it into the house.

Layla scoffed at her mother's enthusiasm. She looked down at her feet to see her little white puppy, Marto, staring up at her. She heard him whine.

"i know right, this sucks" Layla sighed.

Layla walked around the dog and picked up a box, carrying it inside. She saw Salvador looking around the house. He was looking at what all needed to be fixed.

"So.. what all needs fixing so far papá?" Layla asked as she placed the box down in the living room.
"Well... the windows need some cleaning, all the ceiling fans need to be replaced because they don't work very well, and the attic door is stuck so i'm gonna have to pry it open.. but that's it, not bad at all for the price" Salvador explained.

Layla just nodded. Salvador glanced at her with a smile.

"So, How you holding up so far?" Salvador asked Layla.
"Pretty good other than this boring moving in mess.. Mamá says it's 'exciting'" Layla rolled her eyes.
"Well i have to say.. it kind of is." Salvador shrugged.
"Oh no, not you too.." Layla sighed.
"What?.. It is?!.. Think about it.. a fresh start, new friends, a new school, a new home that we can make our own! And a beach, we didn't live around a beach before." Salvador explained.
"Oh wow, a beach.. so exciting" Layla giggled sarcastically.

Salvador sighed and Layla did too.

"Listen, Papá.. in a way, i am excited. i don't wanna seem ungrateful, i am grateful, and i am looking forward to our future here. i guess i'm just nervous and bored of moving in.. so i'm being a bit of a.. gilipollas.." Layla explained, giggling a bit at the last part.

Salvador laughed.

"You ain't being a gilipollas, miel. i know you're a teenager and wanna be doing teenager things.. i was your age at one point believe it or not" He chuckled.

Layla giggled.

"LAYLA!!" Claire called out loudly, making Layla jump.

Layla walked over to her and looked at her weirdly.

"What?! Why'd you scream?" Layla asked, confused.
"Sorry, i didn't mean to.. but uh... Marto just ran after a squirrel and i don't know where he went" Claire told her.
"Ugh... i'll go find him.." Layla sighed, shaking her head.

Layla walked outside and got onto the sidewalk and started walking down it. She looked around, scanning for any sort of sign of Marto.

"Marto! Marto! Come back please!" Layla yelled out for him.

She walked for what felt like ages until she stumbled upon this 'run down' house. She heard barking that sounded just like Marto's coming from it, so she began walking down the driveway. It was a decently long driveway so she walked for a little while. She finally got to the house and seen a hippie looking van, brown and white with a bunch of stickers on it, parked outside.

"Looks like it's been through hell and back.." Layla whispered to herself.

She heard a bark again, it was coming from the back of the house. She slowly went to the back and peeked around the corner, seeing Marto running around playing with people, assumed to be the owners of the home. Layla eventually gathered the courage to go up to the people. It was a group of teens. There was a light skinned girl with curly dark brown hair who had on a white crop top with a turtle on it and ripped jean shorts, a dark skinned boy who looked a little nerdy by the looks of him with short black hair who had a black hat and a black t-shirt on and some dark brown cargo shorts, a redneck looking white boy with wavy blonde hair who was wearing a white tank top where there was a long opening under the arms that showed the skin of his sides and some beige colored cargo shorts, and finally a tanned boy with wavy brown hair that went down to his jawline who was wearing a green and white palm tree button-up that wasn't buttoned and revealed his chest and abs and some beige cargo shorts and a bandana hanging on his neck. All the teens looked at Layla and made her a little nervous.

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