Chapter 1 - Dream Big They Say

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Hi, so I know I said I wouldn't really do a harem thing, but this one isn't a serious thing. Maybe some serious elements and stuff, but we're mostly here for jokes. Plus I doubt many care since it's Helltaker.

Anyways imma get started.


"Ah! What the fuck?"

A small surprised shout rang out through the house. The cause of the noise waking up suddenly like he just had a bad dream, only it wasn't a dream.

He shook his head thinking it was just his fucked up head messing with him.

Getting up he goes to do his normal routine for every morning.

After getting through that morning while trying to get the thought of that dream out of his head, he stops in front of the mirror to look at himself and think.

"That was a weird dream."

Oh right I haven't introduced anyone yet.

This young man is Zane Taker. He's an 18 year old student attending Kuoh Academy in Japan.
Zane wasn't your basic bitch anime character, but he wasn't the one with protagonist hair either.

Simple black hair, around 6 feet tall, he does keep the fitness up as well as his fit.

And one thing this guy has that others don't is a dream. One single dream that he refuses to let go of.

A harem full of demon girls.

Now don't mistake him. He's not like those fuckers at school lusting over titties every second if the day, he's a true man of culture, he'll get the real anime titties.

That brings him to the dream he had before waking up.

His dream was something about going to hell and meeting these girls. That's all he really remembers from it though as remembering a dream is like trying to beat Halo 3 on the hardest skill with all the skulls on without dying.

Anyway, he looks to himself and checks his fit. He has to keep the school fit at a hundred all day.

"Ight. Time to head out. I'll make my dream come true one day. That's a promise." He said to himself as he grabbed his stuff and left the house.

Zane lives alone. Typical backstory, grew up in orphanage, it didn't get burned down and he never got hired for the position of son. Didn't bother him much, so he just moves on with his life.

After a short journey, he makes it to the school.

Kuoh Academy was huge, but once you get your bearings, you learn the layout fast. That and he knows how to get around in his own way... No he doesn't have magic he just knows all the shorter routes and even some maybe not recommended ways of getting around.

Zane walks through the gate and makes his way to his classroom. When he gets there the first thing he sees is the trio being their normal selves.

"You three still fuckin around to find out?" He asked as he walked over to his seat.

"Least we're trying asshole!" One of them shouted.

He only knows Issei's name, the rest he's too lazy to learn.

He smirked.

"Hmph. I don't try. I'm not looking for that at the moment. I have a much bigger goal." He told them.

"Oh yeah, like what?" Issei asked.

"My goals are far beyond your understanding."

Issei then smirked and leaned back.

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