Chapter 6 - Excalibur And The Demon Sword

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Hi, back again. Here to write shit.

So yeah, I'm gonna get started.


So far only about a day has passed since the Rating Game.

Due to it being so late in the day, some sleep schedules may have been messed up, now Pandemonica is still asleep in bed and it's one in the evening.

Aside from that, it was all relatively calm and quiet.

Lucy now had no reason to commit genocide, but the option was still on the table just in case.
She personally teleported to wherever Rias' brother was, kindly threatened him to leave Taker out of his disputes and left immediately.

Let's see. What else?

Taker had plans to keep his training going, he was now learning how to sense the power of other beings from Beel. She's been a great help with that although he hasn't quite grasped it yet.

Judgement and Justice have been talking about their favourite parts of the fight.
Azazel seemed to be researching more into his Sacred Gear, she finds his power very interesting.

Also, speaking of Azazel, she's been notified by Heaven that she is allowed to stay down here with Taker and the other Demon girls, yes Heaven is aware of them being in the human world, as long as she stays sort of semi-pure and the demon girls don't cause too much trouble.

Other than that, not much is going on.

Pandemonica is still tired, Modeus is Horni, Cerberus is fun and cute, Malina is still a nerd, Zdrada is still Zdrada, Azazel is continuously curious, Justice is blind and awesome, Judgement is helping him train, Beel can do nothing wrong and finally Lucy is the most adorable Queen that Taker has ever met in his life.... Granted he hasn't met a Queen before, but his point still stands.

Currently he's sitting with Azazel who is writing things down.
They're sitting in the Kitchen talking about his Sacred Gear, comparing what Taker has discovered with the power so far and what Azazel has found in her research.

"Ok. So he doesn't have a Balance Breaker... Interesting. So what's this alternative then? The Drip Breaker as you called it." She asked, looking at him with eyes full of curiosity.

"Well, I always try to keep my fit up. Keep myself looking at least not too bad. Never know when you need to look your semi-best, that's where I got the name for it. The form never had a name before." He explained. "So when I was training alone, I found I was able to at the very least tap into a similar yet far different version of that power. It's like a much more powerful Balance Breaker without armour that weighs you down sort of."

"I see. Wow, this is so interesting!" She looked back up at him when she finished writing. "How do you know so much about this Balance Breaker stuff?"

"Zold told me. Just that he was letting me know of any tricks other Dragon Emperor's have. He doesn't have any rivals, but two specific dragons sort of don't like them and.... Well, let's just say one of those dragons is closer than we think. And thanks to my little display, that dragon knows Zold is with me." He told her. "So anyway, back to the Gear. It has a really unique trick."

This got her attention.

"Tell me!" She demanded, stars in her eyes.

He made the gauntlet appear and pointed to the purple orb.

"This stage of the gauntlet is called the Revenge Gear. Basically, when I take a hit, originally I could return that power in a single hit at double the power. Now, with this version, I can hit back with 10 times the power and store up all that energy." He explained, watching her frantically write these details down. Giving her a minute to catch up, he continues. "Only issue is I have a limit. I can't store up too much energy or it starts to take its toll on me. Can't let that happen during a fight. Luckily I can use up that energy in not just a physical close up attack. I could do what I did during that game."

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