Chapter 14 - The One Piece, Of The Demon Sword, Is Real

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Hello. I am back.

Now I want to again clarify that Ophis will not be helping Taker out unless he is in an extremely desperate moment. That and if Zold asks her to.

Now, let's continue.


Taker was pacing around in his room.

"Ok. So to sum it up, even if she wanted, she can't give me any sort of power or anything."

"Exactly. If she were to do that your body would not be able to handle it."

"You, are already connected to Zold. If, I were to connect also, your mind would likely not survive." Ophis explained in more detail.

"Yeah. Two powerful dragons, one of which is a God, connected to my brain doesn't sound like it would be a smooth ride." He said in understanding.

"Worst thing that could happen, is that one of us swapped places with you. You would be trapped in your own mind while one of us, likely Ophis, is in control of your body." Zold told him.

"I, as powerful as I am, cannot reverse such a thing if that happened." Ophis added.

She didn't sound like it, but he could tell she just didn't really care.
That's fair, she barely knows him and in her eyes she'll probably blink and he'll have died hundreds of years ago.

"Right. Uh, please don't connect to my brain then Ophis, I want to control my body thanks. Also, how are you in my head then if you aren't connected to my mind?"

"She entered your mind through me when she was touching the gauntlet. It's hard to explain really, but the best way to explain it is that she's connected to me who is connected to you. Probably doesn't help much, but that is as best as I can say it without confusing myself." Zold told him. "Think of it like I'm the safety net."

"Alright. Well, I better-"

Out of absolute nowhere the door burst open and Cerberus stuck their heads in.

"Pack your shit!" "You're going to Hell!" "Is the ocean a soup?"

"... Why?"

"No clue, but Lucifer said somethin about getting a break from this place." Justice said as she stepped into view. She was looking at the door opposite his room.

Taker walked over and carefully turned her around.

"That would actually be neat. I'll be honest, after being Rias' pet for a while I don't like it. It would be nice to get away."

"I, still find it surprising you are in a relationship with The Lucifer." Ophis spoke up.

"You'll get used to it. Pringle?"

"Ok when did you get pringles?"

"Who got pringles?" Justice asked, confused by that.

"Dragons in my head. Anyway, tell Lucy I'll be down in a minute." He told her.

Her and Cerberus went downstairs and he went back into his room.

"Well I already know what Hell is like. Gonna be a hot bitch, but I'm used to it."

He really just needed himself. If he brought his phone he'd be able to talk to Koneko.... buuuut he also would have Sona probably texting him about stuff she wants him to do in school.

"Then again Broji and Hana might ask where I am. I'll just tell Hana to explain what I told her to Broji."

He got what he needed and went downstairs.

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