In life we must never lose hope, never stop believing and above all never stop dreaming.
(Susan Randall)Hope is that feathered thing
that rests on the soul
sings melodies without words
and it never stops.
(Emily Dickinson)Hoping means believing that someone loves us
it means setting out on a journey to somewhere else
it also means daring to live in another way.
(Enzo Bianchi)Hope is like a road in the fields: there has never been a road, but when many people walk along it, the road takes shape.
(Yutang Lin)Reflection :
Hope is a state of mind rather than a concept that keeps us alive.
It is a capacity that allows us to get up several times even when everything seems to collapse in front of us.
It is that strength for which we continue to smile, not to be alone and to believe in our certainties.
Hoping means getting excited, looking for something that has been lost, but above all never giving up at any time.
Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.