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Life is an invisible vessel and you are what you throw into it.
Throw envy, dissatisfaction, malice and anxiety will overflow.
Throw in kindness, empathy and love and serenity will overflow
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Anxiety does not take away the pain of tomorrow, but it deprives us of the happiness of today
(Charles H. Spurgeon)

Anxiety is always a gap that arises between the way things are and the way we think they should be; it is something that lies between the real and the unreal.
(Charlotte Joko Beck)

Reflection :
Anxiety is an emotional state that stabilizes in various moments and situations of our life and is characterized by a sense of constriction, breathlessness and anguish.
It is often confused with fear, but both have very different meanings. Anxiety is perceived in the moment of not immediate danger and makes us stop without being able to do anything.
It is a difficult obstacle to overcome at times which comes to an end like in a race with no winner.
It is a thread suspended in the void that oscillates at different intensity.
It is a roller coaster that goes fast enough at first to get your heart racing and then slowly slows to a stop.
It is a steep and winding road that sometimes sees no way out, but eventually comes to a tunnel with a limpid light.
Don't be anxious about what will be tomorrow and the future rather enjoy yours today.

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