Part 11: ur all I want

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Y/n's POV:
The next day, I was walking to school with Robin and we were just talking abt random stuff until we arrived to school. I didn't have first period with Robin so me and him went our separate ways. He offered to walk me to class but we were already late enough so I didn't wanna make him even more late.

I got to class and waited for time to go by and just stared at the clock. Once class was over, I rushed out the classroom and saw Robin talking with some girl but she had her hand on his upper arm.

I got pretty mad but just brushed it off. I walked up to them and stood next to Robin
"Hi Robin" -y/n

He turned and looked at me
"Hi Amor" -Robin
He pushed the girls hand off and gave me a quick peck on the lips.
"I missed u" -Robin

I laughed a little
"I missed u too" -y/n

The girl that Robin was talking to, cleared her throat to get our attention. Me and Robin looked at her.
"Oh uh sorry, y/n this is Piper. Piper, this is my gf y/n" -Robin

She gave me a small smile that looked fake asf "Hi!" -Piper

"Um hi" -y/n

"I'll brb, I forgot something in class" -Robin
He walked away and went into the class he was in. While he was gone, Piper said something to me that made me wanna kill her.
"Listen, Robin is mine so u need to back tf off. He doesn't want u so just get that inside ur head" -Piper

"And he wants u? Yea right" -y/n

"Well before u came over to us, he kissed me. U can ask Mia (one of the other students that was around)" -Piper

"I don't need to. I already know ur lying" -y/n

"Mhmm. I'll do it for u. MIA!" -Piper

The girl named Mia turned around and looked at Piper.
"Yes?" -Mia

"Right u saw me and Robin kissing earlier?" -Piper

"..." Mia looked at me then back at Piper "yea"

I was so pissed rn. So pissed that I ended up punching Piper and she fell to the floor

"Y/N!" -Mia

I didn't listen to Mia and just continued to punch Piper repeatedly, and her nose started to bleed and her face was now forming bruises. I realized that there was a crowd around us now. But I felt someone grab me and pull me away from Piper after I landed one last punch on her. I looked to see who it was and ofc it was Robin.

Once we were away from the crowd, I pulled away from him and yelled at him.


"Y/n what is ur problem!" -Robin

"U and Piper!" -y/n

He looked at me in shock and his voice softened
"Me?...I'm ur problem? And what did Piper do to u? " -Robin

"Piper told me that u kissed her and even Mia admitted it! I thought I could trust u Robin!" -y/n
I was furious rn

"Y/n I never kissed Piper. She came up to me and started flirting with me! I was so glad that u came up to us bc I just needed her to shut up and she wouldn't listen to me!" -Robin
I felt pretty bad now for yelling at him

He grabbed one of my hands and used his other hand to put it on my cheek
"I would never do that to u, my love. I love u sm." -Robin

"... I love u too Robin, I'm sorry for yelling at u" -y/n

"It's okay, I understand" -Robin

He kissed me and I kissed back. We stayed like they for abt 1 minute until he pulled away and pulled me into a hug with his head resting ontop of mine.
He whispered to me
"Ur all I want, Amor" -Robin

And those words made me feel even more safe with him.

"Ur all I want, Amor"

I'm sorry if this isn't that good but I tried my best 🤷🏻‍♀️

(694 words)

{Ur all I have,Arellano♡}  ~The black phone, Robin Areallo~Where stories live. Discover now