Part 12: just a nightmare

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If I write in Bold it's bc it's in ur thoughts
Y/n's POV:
It's around 7:00 am on a Friday morning so that means it's time for me to get up for school.

'Thank God tomorrow is Saturday'

I got up from bed, took a shower and put this on.

(it's not with the purse and sunglasses tho)

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(it's not with the purse and sunglasses tho)

I went to brush my teeth, I put my hair in a ponytail with 2 strands of hair in the front
(if u have braids, then u put ur hair in a bun with one braid out in the front and if u have curly hair, u leave ur hair out)

I grabbed my backpack and I left for school.
As I was walking, I felt someone slip their hands onto my waist from behind. I raised my fist and as I turned around the person grabbed my wrist to stop me from hitting. I looked at who it was and it was Robin.
"Seriously Robin!" -y/n

"Aye aye aye don't hit me." he wrapped his arms around my waist "I'm Sorry, Amor" -Robin said as he kissed my cheek

"It's fine but next time don't do that" -y/n

"Yeah yeah whatever" -Robin

He let go of me and we both walked to school with his arm around my shoulder.
Then He walked me to class even though I said he didn't have to but he didn't listen.
"I'll see u after class, okay Hermosa?" -Robin said with his hand on my cheek

"Okay, I love u" -y/n

"I love u too" -he kissed my forehead then walked off to his class.

~time skip to after school bc this is boring💀~
Robin had told me he needed help with his science homework because he didn't understand a single thing so I let him walk with me to my house so that I could help him.

We went up to my room and I started to help him.
Like 30 minutes into me explaining what to do, I realized Robin was staring at me.
"Why are u staring at me?" -I said with a little laugh.

"Because ur beautiful" -Robin

I smiled and blushed but I tried to play it off
"Well can u at least pay attention to what I'm saying?" -y/n

"Nope, I rather do this" -Robin said while leaning in to kiss me but I backed up and put my hand on his chest to stop him.
"Robin-" -I started but he cut me off

"Please? Just for a few?" -Robin said in a sweet and polite tone

I signed "fine. Only 5 minutes" -y/n

He smiled "deal" then he smashed his lips against mine.
I crawled backwards and layed down while Robin held himself up with one arm and my legs wrapped around his waist.
About 2 minutes later, I heard my door open.
"Oh my word"

Me and Robin pulled away and looked at who came in.

"Uhh sorry mom" -y/n

"No, I'M sorry for walking in here and traumatizing myself" -y/m

Robin got off me and sat next to me while I sat up.
"Oh hi Robin! Are u staying for dinner?"-y/m

"Uh yeah sure" -Robin

"Okay" -y/m

"Mom, did u walk in here to tell me something" -y/n

"Oh yeah I was just gonna tell u I'm going outside to go get something from the store so I'll be back in a few" -y/m

"Okay, see ya" -y/n

"Bye! Don't do anything u shouldn't be doing!" -my mom said while walking out

"SERIOUSLY?!" -y/n

I heard her laugh then she left the house.

I had my face in my hands and Robin looked at me and spoke
"U don't gotta be embarrassed, Sweetheart" -he said in a flirty tone

"Shut up Robin" -y/n

"I mean if u wanna not listen to what ur mom said and do it either wa-" I cut him off before he could finish that dumbass sentance

"NO! Why would u even say something so stupid like that?" -y/n

"I was joking, relax" -Robin said while laughing.

~time skip to night time because I don't wanna write the dinner part😪~

Robin ended up calling his mom and telling her he's gonna stay over at my house.

I was laying in bed, facing the wall, trying to go to sleep while Robin was facing my back and his arm around my waist and holding me tight.

Then a little while later, I ended up falling asleep.

Robin's POV:
At like around 4 am, I woke up to y/n sitting up, panting and looking like she's on the verge of crying a pool of tears.
"Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" -Robin

I held her close to me and she shed a few tears.
"I-I saw him.. I saw the grabber...the police officers said he was alive and I had saw him walking towards me..and-" -y/n

I rubbed her back and kissed her head.
"Y/n he's gone...there's no need to was Just a nightmare" -Robin

She nodded and I let her rest her head on my chest while we both fell back to asleep again.

Robin was right, it was just a dream..he was gone forever
So sorry that I haven't posted in a while but I have like a thousand books to update 😪

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