Part 6: "I'll do whatever it takes"

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Y/n's POV:
~the next day at school~
I got to school and saw finney and Gwen talking but there was no sight of Robin.

'He's probably just running late or is in the bathroom' I thought to myself.

"Hey y/n!" -Gwen

"Oh hi Gwen and finn" -y/n

"Hi, u okay? U seem stressed" -finney

"Yea I'm just um...a little worried and confused why Robin isn't here." -y/n

Finney looks at me like I'm overreacting
"Y/n he's probably just late or maybe he's sick so he staying home, just call him after school if he doesn't show up today" -finn

I nod "okay.."

Robin never showed up.
The school day went by pretty slow and all day I kept thinking of Robin, hoping he was okay.
~after school~
I started walking home until I saw something on the floor, I picked it up and realized...
It was Robins bandana!
Robin doesn't ever really take his bandana off and why is it on the floor? Crap crap crap, what if something happened to him!
I walked home and b4 I could pick up the phone to call robin, my mom stopped me

"Y/n.." -y/m/n
She looked sad and worried

"Yeah?" -y/n

"Do u know someone named Robin?" -y/m/n

"Arellano? Yea ik him, why?" -y/n
I'm super confused on where this is going

"The police just called, informing me that..
Robins missing" -y/m/n

I stayed silent and thought 'where I found his bandana is probably the same spot he went missing'

"Are u okay, y/n..?" -y/m/n

"Mhm" -y/n
I went straight to my room abt to have a panic attack. Shit shit shit shit! Out of all the ppl in denver, WHY ROBIN?
I sat on my bed, my hands and fingers were shaking and I started to play around with my fingers. I started to cry but not too much cause then I would stay crying all night.

~the next morning and Its a weekend~
I decided to go around the neighborhood and ask ppl if they've seen anything suspicious around the area
"Hi have u seen this boy? Or anything suspicious around here?" -y/n
I said to a lady

"Hmm no I haven't, I'm sorry dear" -lady

".. That's okay.." -y/n
I went to abt 12 more houses and on the 12th one, a woman in her late 20's, said
"No I haven- actually I haven't seen them boy but I saw a black van followed by some black balloons. But I didn't think much of it. And I kinda saw the person, it was a man driving" -woman

"Thank u! Did u see which way the van went?" -y/n

"Umm it went to the right and kept driving straight" -woman

"Okay, thank u so much" -y/n

"Np kid" -woman, she gave me a small smile
And I kinda smiled back

I started walking down to a few more houses and none of them gave me anymore clues so I just went home.

I'm gonna look for Robin no matter what.
I'm not gonna stop looking for clues until I get him back.

I'll do whatever it takes

{Ur all I have,Arellano♡}  ~The black phone, Robin Areallo~Where stories live. Discover now