Part 4: "see what she thinks of me"

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3rd POV:
~the next day~
Y/n started walking to school when she noticed a black van following her so she sped up her walking and eventually got to school and she was looking behind her staring at the black van driving past the school and she ended up bumping straight into Robin.
She looked at him and quickly said "shit I'm so sorry"
"It's oka-" he noticed she looked paranoid

"hey are u okay?" he asked her.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Why do u ask?" -y/n

"Bc u look paranoid and nervous. So don't lie to me y/n" -Robin

She sighed "I saw a black van following me here" -y/n

Robin hugs her "it's okay, hermosa. I'll protect u no matter what"

Y/n's POV:
I looked down and smiled to myself.
"Thank u, Robin" -y/n

"No problem, my love" he smiled

~The bell rings~
"Well I gotta get to class, I'll see u later, Robin" -y/n

"Bye Y/n!" -Robin
Me and Robin went our separate ways and went to our classes

~time skip to lunch bc I'm lazy, lol~
I started walking to lunch and saw finny Run inside the boys bathroom but I just ignored it until I saw Jess, Landon and Nick walk in after and since I'm a girl, I can't go in so I went straight to Robin.
"ROBIN!" -y/n
He looked at me in confusion "yea?"
"I saw Jess, Landon and Nick walk into the bathroom after finny and I can't go in so u need to do something" -y/n
"Dios mios I already told those putas to leave him alone! Fucking dumbasses" he walked away to the bathroom

Robin's POV:
I walked away from y/n to the bathroom and saw finny by the sink and the three idiots by the first stall. I looked at all of them and walked to the sink to wash my hands

"What's going on here?" I sounded intimidating and all three of those fuckers were scared for their life rn.

"N-Nothing,just talking with finny. Right, finny?"- Landon
Finny didn't respond

"U don't need to talk to him. So scram, assholes!" -robin
All three of them left super quick. Finny looked at me "thx alot Robin" -finny

"Np buddy. That's what bsf's are for" -Robin

"Yea.. I feel like ur always saving me and I never do something in return. So is there anything u want or something u want me to do in return?" -finny

"No no don't worry abt it, finny" -Robin

"It's the least I can do Robin" -finny suggested

I thought for a second and I started wrapping my knuckles with bandages and tape bc I had just got in a fight b4 I walked in here.
"Well there is something but I think you'll say no" -Robin

"No no I promise, I'll do it!" -Finny

"Alr.. So yk um y/n right?" -Robin

"Yea obviously, she's our bsf" -finny

"Well" I looked down still wrapping my knuckles "she's really cute and beautiful. I was wondering if u could talk to her and see what she thinks of me" -Robin
Finny looked shocked and he smirked at me

"I knew it! U like y/n! That's so cuuute! Ofc I'll do it, Robin!" -finny

I laughed "thx buddy" -robin

"Np rob!" -finny

I walked out the bathroom with finny and we passed y/n so I nudged finny and he looked confused
"Huh?" -finny

I pointed my head to y/n and finny looked
"Ohhh okay!" -finny.

He walked over to y/n and I stood in the corner and watched and listened.

Finnys POV:
I walked over to y/n
"Hey y/n!" -finny

She looked up at me "oh hey finny" -y/n

"Hey so um I have a question" -finny

"Okay, go on" -y/n

"So I uh wanted to know what u think of Robin?" -finny

She looked at me confused
"Wdym by that?" -y/n

"Like do u seem him as just a friend or more that that? Do u find him attractive or-" I got interrupted by the bell ringing
U gotta be kidding me!

"Sorry gotta go, finny! We can talk abt this later or tmr!" -y/n

"Y-yeah..ok!" -finny
I sighed and went to Robin

"She couldn't answer it" -finny

"Dios mios" -Robin, he face palmed himself

"I'mma just stay here and skip class cause I don't wanna go to gym so cya later finny" -Robin

"Bye rob!" -finny
I went to class while Robin stayed there against the lockers

Robin's POV:
I was standing against the lockers when I saw y/n leave her classroom to go to the bathroom and I stopped her
"Y/n wait!"
She turned around and looked at me

"Oh hi what's up, Robin?" -y/n

"I was wondering if we could go to ur house after school so u could tutor me and I could teach u to fight?" -robin

"Yea sure!" -y/n

I smiled at her and she gave me a smile back "awesome! I'll see u after school" -Robin

"Cya, Robin!" -y/n
She kissed my cheek and walked away

I looked down and blushed

I wonder what she thinks of me

(880 words)

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