Chapter Fifty

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When the bell rung at the end of the day I quickly made it to the parking lot where all my friends stood talking amongst themselves while in the distance I spotted Levi get in his car and drive off glaring at me through the passenger side window.

"Nathan what's the plan for the rest of the day?" Theo asks.

"You clearly want to do something what is it?" I ask unlocking my car before continuing to spin the key for it.

We should go ice skating at that rink in Central Park" he suggests and I look around waiting for my friends to give their opinions on the matter.

"I'll drive there why not?" Lucian says as Amelia kicks the snow off her boots.

"I got no objections to a fun time" Zavier remarks lifting the door to his Aventador which I was wondering why he'd drive it in January weather but who was I to judge I drove an Aston Martin to school.

"Alright then everyone get in your cars, Zavier try not to get stuck" I smirk before getting in my car and started it scaring the freshman who were waiting nearby for a ride by their parents or drivers.

Backing out I quickly drove off passing everyone who had parked along the pick up zone and out past the staff parking lot to the other gate of the school.

Leaving the compound of my school I sped off towards Central Park though part of the problem is that all these people on the road had just picked up their children.

And people still drive like assholes in this damn city.

Pulling out into the farthest lane I passed people and quickly took the last of a turn light which my friends also barely cleared before the light changed.

A few minutes later we got to the park, and found spots before getting out one by one.

"Nathan you drive like an F1 driver" Scarlett says getting out of her Ferrari and pushing the door shut.

"Blame it on his dad" Izzy chimes in locking her G-Wagon.

"He's you and Abigail's too" I muse before buttoning my coat, and walking off towards the path which was lined by lights that lit up the trees.

"You know they all are wondering when this will end especially if the Paris Family is at risk of threat" Scarlett says appearing by my side.

Looking down at the brunette I exhaled and pushed my hands deeper in my pockets before going back to following the paths of snowflakes to the ground.

"The Winters family has more money then any one person or persons should Scarlett, there comes a line where one is greedy, but my parents give away so much money they can't be considered that. Its so much that they haven't told me how much they're worth" I say.

I had a sneaking suspicion that turned to knowledge my parents weren't billionaires anymore, they were entitled to trillions, and all of it was in shares, however they only had assets cashed when they needed it.

So on paper trillionaires, in life they remained billionaires.

"Do you have an idea?" she asks and a flicker of slight fear for the answer crosses her face.

"Winters Group could easily pay off the national debt" I reply.

"Holy shit" she mutters staring at the ground.

"Wait how do you know that?".

This is one of those moments I can't tell if it's confidence or nosiness.

"My dad was looking over financial reports the day I went in it stated the total asset value of Winters Group".

"Ah" Scarlett says before reaching into my pocket and holding my hand.

"Long story short, everyone who is friends with me or associated with my family is untouchable".

"I still believe that someone has disappeared before because of the level of money your parents have and made to look like a normal immigration".

"No, my parents are to public with their displays of power. Companies fall, people lose it all, and in the end a mysterious veil is cast over the company they own to hold the threat of 'dare to oppose me and see what happens'. Anyone who tried always failed" I scoff.

"How did I end up being the girlfriend to the son of the most powerful people in the state?".

"I got to find out how hate can turn to love" I muse with a smirk that could only be described as my dads.

A few minutes later we got to the cafe we seemed to all often frequent and picked out pasteries and coffee before heading down towards the rink, and got our skates before slipping them on and walking down to the ice.

"Try not to fall on your ass" I tease looking at Scarlett as I skated backwards and then off across the rink with almost complete utter ease.

"Showoff" Zavier yells across the ice and I stop on a dime before Scarlett shot past me and somehow was figure skating on the skates they provided.

"And the surprises keep coming" I laugh before Amelia skates over to me.

"You didn't know she figure skated?" she muses.

"I just found out" I reply watching as she effortlessly jumped in the air spinning around a few times before landing and gliding along the curve of the rink.

"She's good, also try not to look like you aren't impressed".

"I am, I'm just getting over to amusement of watching the boys cope" I say pointing to Theo and Zavier who were supporting each other as they attempted to reteach themselves how to skate.

"You two look like the toddlers that need a walker" I remark skating over to them.

"Not all of us are prodigies at life Winters" Zavier shoots back.

"Skating is literally walk sliding, its not hard" Scarlett says, "or I'm sure Nathan could find great joy in finding you two a walker to learn" she adds with a smile that was cute but behind that was a girl who was as cunning if not more then me.

"You two were meant for each other" Theo groans.

"You think so" Scarlett says resting her head on my shoulder.

"Better not hurt my best friend" he adds and I laugh.

"Worry more about not breaking your nose" I scoff skating off past them soon followed by Scarlett.

"Then I won't be as pretty" Theo exclaims and both Scarlett and I roll our eyes.

"He is definitely Riley Niles son" I smile as I skate around the edge slowly allowing myself to glide while holding Scarlett's hand and sipping my coffee.

"Principessa, do you want my second cinnamon bun" I ask holding out the bag to her and she takes the bun out of the paper bag to hold it between her nimble figures to take a bite.

We then stood hand in hand while skatong around the rink together, and every once in a while I spotted the soft looks on our friends faces, as if they knew Scarlett was making me happy, and I hope I was making her happy too.
So this is the shortest chapter of the book and I won't apologize for it as I was on the road for most of the day, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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