Chapter 1

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Meira's heart was pounding . She ran through the streets of Calgary as the wind blew hard as if a blizzard hit . Footsteps followed in the snow behind her. The footsteps getting louder knowing she couldn't escape any longer she turned around to see who it was then it all went black

There was light she could see light, but nothing more but she heard screams screaming it was real. The next thing she knew she was in the snow. The snow was real. Her mind screamed go to Bobby . but she couldn't move . Her world felt like a nightmare cold and bitter knowing she could do nothing just stare into the light brighter than any light she'd seen blocking everything else she could only hope for someone to come save her. A small voice called her name but she couldn't do anything about it, just hoping for something to take her away from this nightmare.

Meira woke up in an extremely bright room but she could see but she couldn't recognize where she was and couldn't remember what had happened. The last thing she could remember was light, bright light she couldn't tell if it was a nightmare or was reality she didn't even know if this was real. A familiar figure walked in the small room, his eyes a beautiful green so memorable but she couldn't pinpoint who they were at first but when she finally did she sprung up from wherever she was and wrapped her arms around him tightly clinging onto the one thing she knew was real. She felt like she was gonna injure either him or herself but she never wanted to let go EVER!
"Why are you hugging me so tightly?" He asked.
Her only response was to tighten her grip.
"Umm you're gonna suffocate me," he complained.
"Stop being dramatic," she told him even though she knew he was right. She forced her hands to let go and she stepped back noticing how close she was to him.
"What was happening? I got a phone call from the police telling me to get you off the road because they asked you to get out of the middle of the road and you said 'nope'."
It sounded a lot like her but she couldn't believe it she'd never heard or seen that, it could be a dream, a nightmare? But it felt right. She whispered "The light."
"What light," Bobby asked, with a look of both confusion and consideration.
A flood of memories hit her hard knocking her onto the ground footsteps in the snow behind, light.
"Meira? Are you okay? Meira?" Bobby repeated.
She sucked in deep breaths closing her eyes trying to forget everything. Everything felt like a dream now. But she managed to reply "I'm fine, just memories overwhelm me."
"Do you need a hand?" He asked, reaching out his hand, she took it holding on as he helped her back to her feet as she steadied herself on a wall.
"What was this memory?" He asked as she sat on the small bed she'd lied in a few minutes before.
"A memory of darkness and overwhelming light."
"Do you remember any sounds?" He asked just after she'd told him about her memory.
"Yes, screams."
After that no one said a word. She didn't notice how long it'd been since she was studying the room. It felt familiar yet she couldn't remember it. A warm touch stopped her. The warmth wrapped around her hand.
Bobby broke the silence when he asked "do you want to see something?"
Meira agreed, still trying to forget the horrid nightmare, it could be a way to forget it for a bit. He led her into a dark cold room with a small window. The only source of light in the room, as she peered through the window a big moon was providing all the light.
"What time is it?" she asked.
"It's 3 quarters to 6," he answered.
She saw on the typewriter he was writing a letter to his brother Bob. Then Bobby proceeded to lead her outside. The bitter, cold, winter wind wrapped around her. She doesn't recognize her surroundings. She would usually take walks at night to calm herself but she still couldn't recognize, she asked Bobby where they were but he replied, "It's not important."
"Bobby, I want to know," she demanded.
"Fine we're-" Bobby started before Meira interpreted "You know I can make you tell me," she remembered a spell she knew. She heard Bobby murmur something.
It was a spell! She couldn't tell which one. He came closer, she felt his warm touch then it all went black.

Meira woke in the same small room now seeing her surroundings she notices a chair carved into the wall in it was a man with beautiful green eyes, Bobby. He made eye contact with her "What happened?"
"I can't really explain," she replied still confused.
"I was worried."
"I guess it was too cold for me," she looked down at herself knowing it couldn't be too cold because she had her jacket, when noticing it was gone she added, "I forgot my jacket. Where did I put it?" She questioned in a panic. She stood looking for her jacket. As she was about to give up Bobby replied "I took it."
In relief she asked, "Could I have it back, I'm a little cold."
"Yes I'll get it," he answered as he walked into the next room he closed the door. Sitting back on the bed. She studied the small room. It had a window but it was already late. One thing caught her eye, she saw an odd vail on the chair Bobby had sat on, waiting for her to awake. She stood and picked up the vial. It was cold, she saw a single strand of hair sitting in it. As she opened the vial she noticed it looked so similar to hers. At that moment she noticed it was indeed hers. She started to compare them in hope that it wasn't hers. Her train of thought broke when she heard the door creak and Bobby walked in but he didn't bring her jacket.
"Is this mine," she asked hoping he'd just lie and say it wasn't.
But he replied "Yes"
"Why do you have my hair?"
A moment of silence followed before he answered "A project, I need someone's hair for it. I thought it would be fine to use yours."
She placed the vial down on the chair again, "What type of project," she asked, not quite convinced.
"Studying how different types of hair change in different periods of time." He answered confidently
"Are you using your hair for this project?" She asked looking up at his hair that looked like no hair was ever taken.
"Yes," he answered meeting her glance.
She still felt a little invaded and asked "Are you stealing other people's hair?"
"What! No I would never," he replied quickly
"Then why did you steal mine," she asked even though this topic wasn't relevant she needed to at least make him think he'd done a crime.
"I didn't know you'd be this dramatic." He replied to her knowing it was a joke kept in her laughter.
"I'm not dramatic," she argued.
"You threatened to use an honesty spell on me," he reminded.
"Why would you want to lie. Are you hiding something?!"
"What! No."
She knew he was hiding something but she also was told not to use a spell unless relevant. "Should I try?!" She teased
"No, I should have the right to lie. But not to you of course. "
She knew he just said that to convince her but she couldn't stop her cheeks from heating.

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