Chapter 2

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"What time is it?" She had to ask, she wanted to know how long she'd been out.
It seemed like he'd noticed how long it had been because he answered quite quickly after glancing at the clock, "It's ten to seven."
Once she heard that she had to check for herself and it was in fact ten to seven so she politely asked him if she could go home.
He stayed quiet for a moment like he was thinking, "No," he said in a voice that sounded like he demanded her to stay, or needed her to. But she didn't argue she stayed quiet as she watched the time float away.
Bobby stalked over to her, sitting next to her but she ignored him; she didn't want to look at him, but when she heard his weak whisper, "Meira?" Though she was annoyed she replied "Yes?" As she turned toward him, but she couldn't have prepared herself for what happened next, he leaned over and kissed her.

Her head spun faster and faster. He's her best friend! And he was kissing her!! It was . . . amazing. She soaking in this amazing moment and let her tensed shoulders relax, terror hit her as she realized this could destroy it all. She'd known him for 7 years and now he was kissing her. This could be the end of it. Her heart started to pound loudly in her chest she held in her breath no one had been this close to her before. She forgot to breathe, she couldn't breathe so she did the only thing she could, she pushed him away from her. He'd kissed her. She couldn't bear looking at him.
"I must go." she told him without looking at him.
Right when she was about to leave he grabbed her wrist, tightly, like he would wither without her presence. The stress couldn't let her speak properly,
"Let me go!'' she yelled, her mind mixed thought and feeling.
He didn't let go, this made her feel annoyed, but with the thump of her heart she softened. This feeling was good but she had to shake his hand away before she got too into it. So she just let this feeling stay as she finally asked, "What?" Her voice had finally fixed itself up.
"Can I show you something?" he asked her but there was this hollowness in his voice, sadness.
"Fine," she said.
She took his hand even though he didn't offer it and plastered a smile on her face. She waited for him to guide her to wherever he wanted to show her but he didn't so she then told him "Lead the way."

He led her out into the winter wind and through the field that hadn't had a flake of snow even thought it was the middle of winter, the field felt too big, but she trusted him, more than anyone. Finally they reached a small field of flowers.
"This is it!" Bobby announced.
"This is amazing," she breathed, "I've never seen anything like this," she didn't hold back her smile and let it stretch from ear to ear, "I haven't heard of anything like this to be honest, not even in books," she didn't read too often, but this wasn't described in books she did read. She fell into the grass and gazed up into the sky, that looked like glitter was sprinkled all over it. Her heart did that weird fluttery thing she'd only heard of in books, was this love?

"I love you," she whispered to him, she didn't quite know if he heard her but, it was what she needed to say.

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