Chapter 5

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Meira gasped for air. Was she dead? A man was sitting, watching her from a chair. The room was too bright to completely see him but she could see some details,  his jade green eyes. Her mind seemed to go on system reboot. She didn't know where she was, who she was, who he was.
The tips of his lips curved into a lopsided smile, as he whispered, "Meira?"

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That was her name. Everything came back.
"Am I dead?!" She blurted out.
 "No," His smile evened out, that was a real smile.  
Her vision came back into focus. She recognized the chair Bobby was sitting in, she recognized the whitest blue color on the walls. "Wait, did you break into my house?!" 
Bobby stalked over to Meira. He leaned over her, as she came close, she  thought he might kiss her, or something but he whispered "Would I do that?"
 Meira thought hard on that question "Would he?"
 But he interrupted her thoughts. "You actually don't know?" he said in that voice people use when they're joking, but he also seemed a slight bit hurt. "I thought you trusted me!"
"I do but," her words trailed off. She didn't finish that sentence before asking "How did you find me? I heard you call for me but I couldn't escape,"
 "What do you mean 'escape?'" 
"The snow."
Bobby sat down beside her. There was a long moment of silence.  
Beatrice rushed into the room holding a plastic butter knife, it looked old and worn, she yelled out, "Remembered this?!" she asked Bobby.
 Bobby looked at the knife and back at Beatrice "I thought I told you to stay home."
Beatrice repeated "Remember this nearly?!" nearly yelling.
Bobby murmured a "Yes," 
Beatrice was sick of all the lies. She tried to keep it in but she couldn't. She wanted to tell Meira. Meira needed to know. "Tell me again, what happened with this?!" She held the knife up like it was a piece of evidence. 
"Beatrice this isn't the place for this," Bobby said softly.
"Really? Where is?!" Beatrice yelled.
Bobby tried to keep cool but it really didn't work when he yelled, "Beatrice this isn't the place!"
Meira had never heard Bobby that angry. Bobby leaned closer to Meira "Sorry about this."
She didn't reply, she couldn't, her mind raced. What?!
He then murmerd a spell. Everything went black the last thing she heard was Beatrice's yell "You know!"


Meira woke and found she was alone. It was weird. Why did Bobby have to knock her out? What did he not want her to know about a butter knife? She trusted him with everything

He hadn't told her anything about his past. He'd just sit and listen to everything she said. She didn't know hi.. He was practically a stranger. She didn't even know how Beatrice died. She was in tears, what if he wasn't even her best friend.  She spent all day trying to remember anything that she knew about him but her mind was blank. She didn't know a thing about him. He could be a murderer for all she knew. She couldn't keep her mind off that topic for even a second. She rushed over to see Bobby to ask him all the questions flowing through her mind. But she couldn't find him. All she found was a journal. She looked through it hoping for something about him but it was filled with information about herself that she didn't even remember any of it. At the back she found one single page. It looked like gibberish. She could only make out the words Beatrice, Why, Butter knife. Meira was confused. It didn't make sense her mind was spinning when Bobby walked into the small room, he seemed startled "Meira why are you here?"
 Bobby cut her off. "How'd you find that?"
 "It was just lying here. I thought it would carry the information I need." 
"What information do you need?" He asked, confused.
"I don't know anything about you!" 
 "What do you mean?" He asked
 "I don't know a single thing about you." "No,there must be something." He refused to believe it.
"Nope." Silence filled the room. 
"Hmm, maybe you're right, I'm just better at listening. Is there anything you need to know?"
 "I don't, but I'd like to know you. You could be a murder for all I know." She laughed as she said it aloud.
But he stayed silent. After a long moment of silence he let out a laugh. 
"What did Beatrice mean with the butter knife?" She asked
 "Oh, you want that information?" He asked nervously. 
"Well, we can start with that."
 "That's, um, a long story." He said, like she would decide on a different question.
"Well I'm here to listen I cut myself once when I was younge so I had you use that one until for the longest of time." 
"Also how did Beatrice die?" Meira asked, curiously. 
"Well she got hit by a car." Bobby said, with a slight nervousness. 
"Can you explain?" She was probably asking too many questions but she needed to know.
"Well we were racing to the park across the street, she was way ahead of me, and I guess the car didn't see her. He said softly.
"Well I guess I won!" He laughed with a joking shrug.
Meira glared at him, "Seriously Bobby?"
He noughed her. "I am right though."
She rolled her eyes. Beatrice peaked in from the doorway, she'd calmed down.
"What are you arguing about?" She asked. "We're not arguing," Meira told her.
"Then what was that?" She mimicked the conversation when she mimicked Bobby she did a squeaky voice. 
She and Meira laughed. He kinda did sound like that though. 
Bobby glared at both of them. "I don't have a  squeaky voice, do I?"
 She struggled to go back to her normal smile as she said "You kinda do sometimes."

 "Well, maybe I should go, seems like you have find a way to keep your voice at tune!" Meira gave Bobby a teasing wink as she grabbed the journal and got up to leave. But Bobby grabbed her wrist. 
"What are you doing with that!" 
"It's information about me!" Meira yelled, his hand was wrapped tightly on her wrist, the pain probably gave a impact on her moods, or voice.
"Yes, and I need it!" Bobby yelled right back. 
"Need it for what?!"
 Bobby didn't reply. 
"If you don't need it I'll just take it then!" Meira wiggled her arm around trying to free from Bobby's grasp but he won't let go. He could probably feel her heart pounding. "Bobby let go!" She yelled, now she was worried, he wouldn't let go. The pain grew stronger, like it was trying to make her give him the book. Her eyes started to water, her vision blurred, she was soaked into the blur of darkness.

Meira woke in a stuffy, small room. There was only one thing in the room, a swing, the swing hung from the middle of the ceiling. She found it quite odd, a swing? She sat on the swing, now noticing . . . The journal by where she'd been sitting. She jumped up, and grabbed the journal. She then realized she was alone, alone in this room she'd never seen before. Alone. 

She grabbed the handle of the door, she'd been kidnapped. 
Of course like any kidnapping the door was locked, of course. But . . . 

She raced to the only possible exit. The window slid open, she peaked her head out, luckily it was a second floor room. She wouldn't survive if it weren't. It seemed higher than it was from outside but she had to escape. What else was she meant to do? 

As she took a last breath to calm the fear she'd have to overcome. She slipped out the window. 
She tried to catch herself as she fell but she collapsed on the ground, she took a minute to regain her strength. 
As she got up her legs started to ache, they were begging her to crawl inside of walking, well running. 
She started to run. Where? She didn’t know, anywhere. 

After a bit she found a flower field, she was confused. She hadn't gone too far? 

She found the small building she called home, she gripped the doorknob twisting it, the door creaked open. She fell to the ground. Her legs were giving up.

 She caught her breath, a loud knock hit against the door, Meria was too afraid to open the door, what if it's the kidnapper? Whoever it was knocked again. She didn't move from her frozen ball on the ground. The door flew open.
 "Meria?" Tessa yelled
  "How'd you find me!" Meira screamed
"Meria calmed down," Tessa whispered.  "Who do you think was yelling your name , and it's not a kidnapper, it's just me and Arthur," said Tessa in a calm voice.  
"Who's Arthur?" Meira asked suspiciously
"A friend."  Tessa said.
 Meira glared at Arthur. "I don't trust him."  "It's not about trust right now, all  that matters is your safe," Tessa says. 
"I can get kidnapped again and have to jump out a window again trust is everything!"
 "Oh so your life is in a shark cage, with me as long as I am here no one will hurt you, and besides Arthur works night shifts at the cafe I work at and the time you got kidnapped is at night so don't trust Arthur, then if you don't want to. Tessa explained.
"Wait! You don't know when I was kidnapped unless" . . . she gasps dramatically, "you are the kidnapper." 
"No,  no," Tessa says . "Look at your dog, with the scissors he needs food so he gets out and barks at my door till I open it and feeds him then he runs home and barks at your door till I unlock it." She didn't have any reasons to trust her. 
"Uh that's not my dog. Oh! But he's so cute!" 
"Ya he loves to sleep in widow’s bed and in my bed I don't mind , but he is so cute" Tessa said
 "I will keep him!" Meira picked the little pug off the ground and snuggled it, she  announced "His name shall be Edward!" "Cute," Arthur said
 "You shall not touch my little wrinkle baby!" Meira brought the pug close, she held him like a baby, he seemed to like it.
 Tessa leaned on his shoulder. "I am tired of moving on. We must get going before they come back,  pack your stuff because it would be better if you stay with me," Tessa whispered to Arthur. 
Meria stroked Edwards fur repeating "My wrinkle baby I will never let ANYONE hurt you." She looks at Arthur when she said "Anyone." 
"Go pack your stuff." Tessa whispered, qgain, "And no, no one will hurt your wrinkle baby," She said to Meira. "PLEASE go pack."
 Meira glared at Arthur again. 
"Stop glaring at arthur!"
 "Only trustworthy people shall get an opinion on that!" 
"He only said he's cute, ok?!" Tessa said , "Pack please. Here, Arthur will stand outside! Now pack," 
Arthur left soon after
"Go pack!" Tessa said again, "Please."
 Meira glared at Arthur one last time, she held Edward tight. 

Her mind drifted to the kidnapping, Bobby was there when she blacked out, did he let her be kidnapped? She could've died.

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