Chapter 3

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Nats POV:

I held hope in my embrace for what seemed like eternity until I began to hear little es erupting from her mouth. I glanced down to see her cuddled up in my neck with her arms drooped loosely around my neck. She looked just precious. I slowly picked her up with myself so I could lay her down in my bed, it was clear she needed the rest. She whined abit as I moved her.

'shh, it's okay dekta go to sleep' I hushed

as her head hit the pillow she immediately curled up as I draped the duvet over her. I bent down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead

'sweet dreams my love'


I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I was greeted by everyone else. In the corner of the room I could see Wanda and the 2 girls snuggled up watching tangled. It was a beautiful sight. Wanda noticed my staring and glanced over with her addictive smile. I would be a fool if I said I didn't have a tiny crush on her, but she doesn't need to know that yet.

'Hey Nat, how's Hope doing?' Wanda asked

'She's fine she's just gone down, she was shattered' I explain

'I wouldn't doubt it, I'm suprised these little monsters aren't asleep yet' Wanda giggled as she tickled the youngest.

However I was still stuck on how to approach Mia. I mean she seemed fine sitting with Wanda but I believe that was out of a force of habit.

'Hey Mia love, how you doing' I asked gently

She didn't reply as expected, she just stared down at her fingers fiddling with them. I gently brought her hands away and held them in mine, suprisingly without an outburst. There was someone behind those eyes, the way she looked at you desperately, trying not to cry. It just hits me how these girls need so much love and care. There broken.

'How bout we get you little munchkins to bed hey' I said to lighten up the mood

'noooo no bedtime!' Lily sulked

'come on you must be tired' Wanda reasoned. 'NEVERRRR!!' Lily squealed and ran off.

'Oh no, I'll get lily you stay with Mia' Wanda said as she rushed off

'Come on Mia, we'll get you ready for bed' I said. She quickly obliged and got up of the couch but still kept hold of my hand all the way to the bathroom.

'We've got some pjs for you, they may be a little big but they will do for now, that okay?' I asked. she nodded her head slowly.

'do you need help babe?' I asked with precaution. Again she nodded

I helped her out of her first clothes and discarded them in the trash as they were destroyed. I slipped on the oversized hoodie with a fresh pair of underwear, as the shorts were way too big, and headed into my room. I sat her down on the bed next to sleeping Hope.

'Do you want to sleep in here with Hope or with Wanda and lily hun?' I asked hoping for a verbal answer. However she was stuck she couldn't do it.

'Use your big girl words for me dekta, I know you can' I encouraged.

'hope' she said just above a whisper
'good girl , I'm so proud of you I knew you could do it' I praised

she smiled for the first time I've seen. It was adorable. I carefully picked her up as I walked to the other side of the bed and placed her down under the covers. I crouched down next to her as my fingers trailed throught her hair slowly, making her sleepy by the second.

'sleep well angel' I whispered


Wanda POV:

After chasing down lily I'd scooped her up into my arms and carried her as she squealed the whole way to my room.

'Hmm you being noisy huh' I stated. She just giggled in reply. Oh she was just the cutest.

'come on baby girl let's get you ready for bed' I said.

'I'm not a baby' she said pouting

'oh of course not my mistake, come on big girl' I said with a smile on my face. Again she giggled in return. I took her to the bathroom to discard of her clothes as she just babbled to me about everything and everything. I slipped on an oversized T-shirt of mine with a pair of Morgan's Spare underwear tiny had lent me. I brushed her teeth and brushed her hair before braiding it. Soon enough we were both cuddled up in my bed as she was slowly dozing off.

'can you sing to me please wan wan' she asked. ' my mama used to sing to us all when she was here but when she went no one sang again' she said softly

My heart just shattered.

'of course angel' I replied with a smile

'Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Well, it's three o'clock in the morning,

Baby, I just can't treat you right.

Well, I hate to leave you, baby,

Don't mean maybe, because I love you so.

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it's time to go,

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Now, my mother and my father,

Might hear if I stay here too long.

One kiss and we'll part,

And you'll be going,

You know I hate to see you go.'

Soon enough I heard little snores from the little one. I cant express enough how much I want to be there for these 3 girls, they've gone through so much and just need people who will care for them.

'goodnight my baby' I hushed before settling myself to sleep aswell.

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