Chapter 5

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1 month later

Third person POV:

'but I don't need to go to school it's crap' Hope explains

'language' cap sighs

'whatever old man, point is I don't need education end of story' Hope says. However Natasha and Wanda were having none of it.

'Not end of story, you will be going to school,tomorrow in fact, both you and Mia' Natasha said sternly

'Hope stop being difficult we will be fine' Mia speaks up trying to persuade her sister.

'See listen to your sister I can't be that bad' Wanda replies

'I don't care I'm. Not. Going' Hope says with confidence.

'Wake up. Wake up hopey' lily squeales down her ear.

'Lily what are you doing it's so early go back to bed' Hope groans.

'Nat told me to come wake you up, she said you need to be downstairs in 5 minutes for breakfast' lily says

'well you go and tell nat that she can give up with her thinking that I'm going to school' Hope says whilst burying her face in her pillow

'Your funeral' lily mutters whilst going to tell nat.

8 minutes had pass since lily had skipped off to nat and Hope genuinely thought she was off the hook. Of course she was wrong and was then dragged out of her bed by her feet and swung over Natasha's shoulder and brought downstairs.

'eat. You need the energy for school' nat says as she smirked.

'Yeh yeh whatever' Hope sassed back.


soon enough they were both in the car with Wanda ready to be dropped off at school, however the girls were at different schools due to there age. The first stop was Mias school.

'right have a good day love I'll pick you up after' Wanda beamed at her little one as she Hoped out. 'I will Wanda, bye Hope' she replied. Wanda started the car and began driving to her next destination.

'Right before you get out I have important words from nat' Wanda states as Hope give her an eye roll. She just chuckled in response.

'behave! We don't need the school ringing us today' she states. ' Okay okay' Hope responds getting out of the car. 'Cya later' she shouts as she runs towards her school.


Hopes POV:

I'd just been given my time table for today and jeez there a lot of lessons. The office lady directed me to my first lesson which was maths. Great. I headed in only to realise I was 15 minutes late as the whole class turned to look at me. I instantly shrunk and rushed to sit down as I heard a group of girls sniggering to themselves. Oh how I'd like to Punch there lights out.

It was coming towards the end of the class and everyone was piling out the room. As I stepped out one of the girls tripped me up causing me to drop my books all over the hall resulting in the whole corridor erupting with laughter. I'm going to kill her.

'what the fuck is your problem exactly' I sneer

'you, your a fucking joke I bet your family thinks your pathetic' she laughs. That does it.
I launch myself towards her with my fist in her face, she crashes to the floor and I take this chance to batter this bitch. However im soon interrupted with another pair of hands dragging me off her and into the office.

Nats POV:

I had just finished up training with Wanda in the ring and I must tell you she is impressive.

'Amazing again Wanda' I grin. 'Oh sush you you could beat me any day, you must have let me win again' she whispers in my ear sending tingles down my spine. Oh I am so in love with this girl.
My thoughts are suddenly interrupted with a ring of my phone.

'hello Natasha speaking'

'Hello Mrs Romanoff, Hope has been involved in a fight with another student and from what I have gathered she had started, im sorry for invading your time but your going to need to come and collect her' her principle speaks. I sigh angrily.

'I'll be right there'

'What's happened' Wanda asks



Hopes POV:

I sit nervously in the office waiting to get picked up. I know I did wrong but it wasn't my fault she started it, but again no one will listen to me.

'Mrs Romanoff' my principal speaks. My blood runs cold.

'Sorry for this behaviour sir I will be sure to deal with this' she speaks. 'Hope. With me now' nat speaks sternly.

She walks quickly to the car and I do my best to keep up. 'Get in' she speaks. I say nothing and open the car and sit in my seat.

The car is filled with tensions as we drive home. I quickly head out and head straight inside where I'm met with an even angrier Wanda. Ffs

'before you say anything I can promise you that it wasn't my fa-' I start

'sit down Hope' Wanda speaks harshly. I just huff and stomp my way to the couch. As if by chance Tony walks by snatching an apple.

'Hey kid what you doing hime so early' hes asks curiously.

'She got sent home after being violent with another kid' Nat speaks

'Haha nice one kid did you win!' Tony laughs. He just received harsh glares from them both. 'Don't encourage her tin man she's in enough trouble as it is' Wanda warns. He walks out with his hands in surrender.

'What have you got to say for yourself' Nat asks

'It wasn't my fault she started it she spoke abo-' I began

'Oh Hope stop it it's never 'your fault' is it, you seriously hurt someone today and that's on you' Nat says sternly. I was so angry she wasn't listening!

'YOU NEVER LISTEN' I yell as I storm off. ' YOUR GROUNDED' Wanda yells back


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