chapter 7*

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Wanda POV:

I just can't get nat out out my mind. She's just perfect, and with the kids it's everything I could have asked for. I've spoken to Hope every night about it and of course Hope is just egging me on, I honestly think I need to tell her how I feel. I just hope she feels the same.

Nat POV:

Just the thought of Wanda in my mind erupts butterflies in my stomach, that woman is breathtaking. She's amazing with the girls and it would be my dream to start a little family. I just hope shed feel the same.

Wanda POV:

I head over to Natashas room feeling nervous as ever. 'You'll be fine Wanda stop working yourself up' I say to myself. I gently knock on the door to be greeted with a gorgeous looking red head on the other side. 'Hey beautiful what's up' Nat husks with a smirk. I swear I went weak in my knees.
'uumm nat can I speak to you, I need to tell you something' I spoke. She nodded and let me in as we sat face apart on the bed.

'so I um, I wanted to tell you how I feel and I completely understand if you don't feel the same way it's ju-' I got cut off with a kiss to my lips.
I was starstruck but I wasn't going to stop. I felt as if I was in heaven.

Her plump red lips matched like a puzzle onto mine, a few little whimpers escaped my mouth as I tried to deepen it. I could feel nat smirk against my thin lips as she pushed me down onto her bed as she parted from mine. ' I'm gonna show you how much you mean to me dekta' she husked devilishly. I only bit my lip in return letting a small moan leave my lips.
she began to peel my top from my body as I sat up to let it slide off. I was left In my pj shorts and my seamless red bra. Natasha looked me up and down and bit her lip which only turned me in more. 'Mm your beautiful baby' she whispered against my neck.
She slowly made her way down the valley of my breasts nipping and sucking at my fair skin, marking me as hers. I moaned softly at the feeling. 'Let me get rid of this' she hummed as she removed my bra. The cold air hit my sensitive buds instantly going hard. She continued to nip around my now naked area and began running her tongue over my hard nipple. 'oh yes just like that nat ohh' I gasped as she moved on to the other one whilst twisting the lonely one. 'mm nat pl-lease' I stuttered.
she must have caught on to what I needed and slowly made her way down further to where I needed her. She looked up at me for permission and I nodded my head frantically. She smirked and began to remove my shorts leaving my instantly naked, vulnerable. 'mm going commando I see baby' she husked. I just gasped and squirmed in response, desperate for her touch. She gently spread my legs just for her to be face to face with my glistening cunt. She moaned at the sight and slowly lowered herself to the top. I groaned in frustration as she wasn't where I wanted her. 'Uhh please nat I-I need you' I spoke desperately. 'mm anything for my angel' she spoke them immediately diving into my cunt swirling her tongue around my puffy clit, resulting in me screaming out. 'OHH OH MY GOD NATASHA U-RGH JUST LIKE THAT BABY OHH' I screamed out due to the immense pleasure. She eventually dipped her tongue into my hole whilst her nose nugged my clit.
'oh my god Nat I'm gonna cum, im gonna c-uu-' I cut myself off as I felt the knot in my stomach explode as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. My sweet release gushing out and straight onto Natashas tongue.
'Mm you taste divine sweetheart, you did so well for me' she praised.

Third person POV:

Wanda lies there breathing heavily while Natasha goes to the bathroom and collects a warm cloth to clean Wanda. She squirms as she wipes her sensitive area.
'I know babe but I need to get you cleaned up' nat smiles. Wanda just sits and watches Natasha in a adoration, how could she get this lucky.
After getting changed into comfy pjs they both make there way downstairs to start preparing breakfast for the girls.

'HEY GIRLS COME TO THE KITCHEN' nat shouts to them.
Not a second later all 3 girls were strolling downstairs into the kitchen.

'I want chicken nuggies' lily spoke. 'We can't have them again lily we had them the last 3 nights,' Hope argued.
'Nooo I want nuggies, please natty' she says with a cheeky grin.

'Sorry sweets hopes right our whole insides must be made of chicken by now after how much we've eaten' nat says tickling lily making her giggle.

'Mia, babes, do you want to pick?' Wanda asked carefully as she kneeled down to her. 'U-m anything?' She questions shakily. 'Anything big girl' nat states.

'Um can we have pesto pasta it's my favourite' she whispers with a shy smile. The 2 adults just stare in awe.
'Of course chicken' nat claims.

'Right you horrible lot go sit and watch telly whilst I get this sorted.' Nat stated as they all comply and switch on spongebob.

Nat get right onto the cooking, letting the penne pasta boil in the pan for 20 mins whilst she prepares the pesto sauce. While she waits the last few minutes for the pasta she begins to get glasses out for drinks.

'Hey girls, Wanda what do you want to drink?' Natasha asks.

'Rosè for me babe' Wanda says. ' me and the girls will just have iced water please nat' Hope speaks. ' coming right up'.

'dinners ready girls come eat' nat ushers them to their places as she dishes up the delicious pasta in each girls plate. ' this is amazing thank you tasha' Mia says cutely. 'Your very welcome my princess' nat says as she smiles at her.

Soon enough everyone had finished their meals and Wanda collected the dishes with her magic and cast a spell to do the dishes. 'Cheeky girl' nat smirks. 'Work smarter not harder hun' Wanda giggles. 'Right let's get these monsters to bed hey?' Wanda suggests.

'Hey lils come on babe, bath then bed how does that sound?' Wanda asks in an amused tone.

'Not tired yet' lily claims, her eyes glued to the telly. 'I know doll but it's getting late, a while passed your bedtime missy' wanda says.

'Nooo please wan wan' lily begs.

'No can do hun come on' Wanda begins to pick lily up but she's not giving up that easily.
'NOOO WAN WAN GET OFF I DONT WANT A BATH' she squeals and squirms in her embrace.

'Hey we don't shout, you need a bath you've not had a proper wash since you got here' Wanda confirms.

'I don't care I don't need one' she states with a pouty face. 'hmm yes you do baby' Wanda says as she reaches the bathroom.

'I have a few toys you can take in with you, how does that sound huh' wanda states enthusiastically. 'YAYY' lily squeales and eagerly hope in the bath that Natasha had prepared.

As time goes by Lily is now washed and is now refusing to get out of the bath, funny hey?
Mia and Hope are brushing their teeth in their new pjs getting ready for bed. Natasha is preparing the girls beds before they come crawling in.

'hey girls! your beds are made' nat states

Lily and Mia run into their cosy beds asking for Wanda and nat to tuck them in.

'Goodnight angels we'll see you in the morning' they husk as they close the door behind them. They trail over the hopes room to already see she is fast asleep however she doesn't look as comfortable. Both ladies make the move to lay her back peacefully in her bed and move the duvet to her chin, both giving a kiss to her head. 'We love you sweet girl, you and your sisters were the best thing to ever happen to us' Wanda whispers.

'I love you to mama and momma' Hope replies in a tired whisper. Both women look at eachother in shock as tears begin to fall. They can't believe they had claimed that name, they were over the moon. However it could have been because she was sleepy but nether the less they were so happy. They left the room and entered their now shared room, getting in under the covers and cuddling close to eachother.

' I can't believe we could potentially be mother's to those girls' Wanda states with a teary smile. 'Me neither baby, me neither' Natasha replies with her eyes closing, submitting to slumber and Wanda following.

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