38 - grim news

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THE COUNCIL WAS nothing like what Briar imagined. For one thing, it was in the Big House rec room, around a Ping-Pong table, and one of the satyrs was serving nachos and sodas. Somebody had brought Seymour the leopard head in from the living room and hung him on the wall. Every once in a while, a counselor would toss him a Snausage, Briar being one of them.

She looked around the room and tried to remember everyone's name. Thankfully, Leo and Jason were sitting next to her — it was their first meeting as senior counselors. Clarisse, leader of the Ares cabin, had her boots on the table, but nobody seemed to care. Clovis from Hypnos cabin was snoring in the corner while Butch from Iris cabin was seeing how many pencils he could fit in Clovis's nostrils. Travis Stoll from Hermes was holding a lighter under a Ping-Pong ball to see if it would burn, and Will Solace from Apollo was absently wrapping and unwrapping an Ace bandage around his wrist. The counselor from Hecate cabin, Lou Ellen something-or-other, was playing "got-your-nose" with Miranda Gardiner from Demeter, except that Lou Ellen really had magically disconnected Miranda's nose, and Miranda was trying to get it back.

Rachel Dare, the oracle, sat next to Chiron at the head of the table. She was wearing her Clarion Academy school uniform dress, which seemed a bit odd, but she smiled at Briar.

Annabeth didn't look so relaxed. She wore armor over her camp clothes, with her knife at her side and her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. As soon as Briar walked in, she fixed her with an expectant look, as if she were trying to extract information out of her by sheer willpower.

"Let's come to order," Chiron said. "Lou Ellen, please give Miranda her nose back. Travis, if you'd kindly extinguish the flaming Ping-Pong ball, and Butch, I think twenty pencils is really too many for any human nostril. Thank you. Now, as you can see, Jason, Briar, and Leo have returned successfully . . . more or less. Some of you have heard parts of their story, but I will let them fill you in."

Everyone looked at Jason. He cleared his throat and began the story. Briar and Leo chimed in from time to time, filling in the details he forgot. Imagine forgetting things. Loser.

It only took a few minutes, but it seemed like longer with everyone watching her. The silence was heavy, and for so many ADHD demigods to sit still listening for that long, Briar knew the story must have sounded pretty wild. Jason ended with Hera's visit right before the meeting.

"So Hera was here," Annabeth said. "Talking to you."

Jason nodded. "Look, I'm not saying I trust her—"

"That's smart," Annabeth said.

"—but she isn't making this up about another group of demigods. That's where I came from. That's where Briar comes from."

Briar wrapped her jacket tighter around herself. She hated that he was right — after all, she'd dreamed about a crowd of people carrying her after her fight with Koios . . . her, Jason, and Reyna with another girl who was their best friend . . . the weight of a lot of people's eyes on her as she made a charming speech to an army of demigods.

Jason was right. That doesn't mean that Briar liked that, even if that was her birthright.

"Romans." Clarisse tossed Seymour a Snausage. "You expect us to believe there's another camp with demigods, but they follow the Roman forms of the gods. And we've never even heard of them."

Briar sat forward. "The gods have kept the two groups apart, because every time they see each other, they try to kill each other. I mean, I get it. If I saw Drew while I was out on a mission, I'd probably kill her."

"I respect that," Clarisse said. "Still, why haven't we ever run across each other on quests?"

"Oh, yes," Chiron said sadly. "You have, many times. It's always a tragedy, and always the gods do their best to wipe clean the memories of those involved. The rivalry goes all the way back to the Trojan War, Clarisse. The Greeks invaded Troy and burned it to the ground. The Trojan hero Aeneas escaped, and eventually made his way to Italy, where he founded the race that would someday become Rome. The Romans grew more and more powerful, worshipping the same gods but under different names, and with slightly different personalities."

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