epilogue - getaway.

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SETTLING IN PARIS was one of the best ideas ever, Briar thought.

At some point, Briar and Reyna had gone back to Paris so many times that they just decided to have a place that was theirs. They still traveled around, but for now they were going to school in Paris full-time, and everything was fine. Better than fine, in fact. Everything was fantastic.

On the weekdays they went to a school that uses mostly English for foreign students and get caught up with what they were supposed to have learned. Briar teaches Reyna how to speak French and they learn the customs of being a French citizen. Briar still uses her charmspeak a lot, but it's less than the last few months, and that was good. At least now they had forged credentials and Visas to be here.

They don't hear from any of their friends in America a lot. That's fine with them, although Briar misses the way Piper smiles when they're alone, how Jason can keep up with her banter, how Annabeth chides her for doing something incredibly stupid, and how her knife collides with Hazel's sword while they're giggling loud enough to alert the entire ship.

And Leo . . . Briar missed him with her entire heart. She was still grieving over him, but she'd had time.

But then that clock reset when an Iris-Message went through to Briar and Reyna while they were doing homework.

Cross-country Iris Messaging reception was horrible( Coach Hedge had done it for the entire quest, but it still sucked ), which was why they didn't get many Iris Messages. They'd gotten one from Piper after Nico di Angelo had taught her how to make one. They'd gotten one from Jason who wished them the best, and that he'd miss them. But that was it.

Briar didn't hear the shimmering noise at first because she was trying to figure out how to graph a system of equations because what the fuck. Reyna was attempting to help her while stifling a laugh when she heard a familiar voice yell, "Briar Rose!"

They both jumped, and Briar instantly swiveled around to look at the owner of the voice. Her jaw dropped. "Leo?" she asked quietly. "You're alive?"

"Yeah," Leo was smiling at her, but it looked off because of her horrible reception. "It's really good to see you. When's the last time someone called you?"

"The reception's horrible over here," Briar said. "Jason called sometime in October, and that's the last time we've gotten a call."

At Jason's name, Leo's smile dropped. Naturally, Briar's did too. "Where are you two?" Leo asked. "I need to come and visit. It's important."

"Um . . ." Briar turned to look at her girl, who just shrugged totally helpfully. Thanks, she mouthed, before saying to Leo, "Paris. Why?"

"Okay. That's fine. I'll be over in a few days," Leo said, standing up and grabbing a bag. "I'll see you later, Briar Rose."


He hung up on them, and Briar stared at the spot where the Iris Message had been.

"What was that about?" Reyna asked.

Briar shrugged. "We'll see," she said.

And, honestly? She'd forgotten about Leo coming over. Spring break finally came, and she was finally relaxing with Reyna. They went on a museum date and to the most adorable hot chocolate cafe. They were just vibing in France.

And then she heard commotion outside one day and told Reyna to check it out.

Reyna had rolled her eyes, but went to their balcony to check it out, kissing Briar's forehead on the way.

"Uh . . . Bri?" Reyna called. "You should see this."

"What's the point of making you get up to see it for me when I have to do it myself?" Briar muttered under her breath as she stood up, walking slowly over to the balcony.

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