Chapter Two // The Preparations

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Gabriel made Cesar wake up. He sat up in his bed before shuffling between the covers and placing his feet on the ground. He stumbled around his room and got dressed in something simple. Simple being a red shirt with a black collar tucked into black jeans and some boots.

He brushed through his dark blonde hair with a brush, then a comb. He shook his head a little bit to fluff it out, then sighed. He looked at himself in the mirror.
"I look like I work at Redner's." Cesar was referencing a small gas station and grocery store located around Pennsylvania.

Suddenly, he heard Gabriel's voice in his head.
"I think you look fine. Now write a goodbye note to your mother."

Cesar found a random notebook on his bookshelf and scribbled down a note. He looked at it, grimaced, then ripped it out. He placed it on the counter, waved goodbye to the asleep household, then ran out.

Gabriel basically materialized in front of him.
"Follow me. I will show you the way to the portal."
"The portal?"
"Yes. The portal to travel to the fandoms. It's a little over a days walk, but we will manage." Cesar looked at Gabriel who had a smile on his face.

'Damn that man is gorgeous.' Cesar thought to himself.

"Cesar. I can hear your thoughts, you know?" Gabriel's smile faded and he raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
"I- uhhh." Cesar started sweating and quickly faced away from the angel.

They begin their walk to Ohio where the portal was. Because everything weird happens in Ohio.

Meanwhile, Cesar's family awoke to the sound of laughter. His stepdad walked down stairs and asked why his mom was laughing. She passed him the note.

'Dear mom,
An angel spoke to me last night and told me that I gotta save the world or something. I don't know. But I'm leaving. You better not forget to feed my Hermit crab. I love you.

Cesar's stepdad started laughing as well.

Back with Gabriel and Cesar, he had to use the bathroom. So they stopped at a Redner's.

The manager walked up to Cesar as he came out of the bathroom and started talking with an Italian accent.
"What are you doin'? Get back to work!" The manager scolded Cesar.
"But he does not work here." Gabriel who manipulated his look to appear more human-like spoke behind the small boy.

"He don't work here?!" The Italian manager was very suspicious.
"No he does not. You see, this is my.. son. He is only twelve." Gabriel smiled at the manager in a friendly manor.

"Hey. I'm not twel-" Cesar was cut off by an elbow to the rib cage. Cesar quickly shut himself up and looked back at Gabriel.

His blonde hair was pulled into a low messy ponytail. He had two strands next to his ears that were too short to put back. He had a black hoodie on that simply had a white cross On the back. A pair of blue jeans settled from his waist down.

Then he noticed black converse at Gabriel's feet. Cesar held back laughter as he thought about it for a moment longer.

"Well, if you don't work here, then scram!" The manager shooed the two guys out and slammed the doors.
"I told you I look like a Redner's employee." Cesar put his hands in his pockets and kicked a stone. This earned a small chuckle from Gabriel.

/// Time skip brought to you by Cesar Salad///

After a day of exhausting walking, they made it to a warehouse in the middle of Ohio.
"I left my home for this piece of shit?!" Cesar turned angered to look at Gabriel.
"Watch your language, and yes. But you were the one that agreed to this, so you can't argue."

Gabriel stepped inside the warehouse and flicked a light switch. Cesar had to squint to get used to the lighting, since it was dark outside. He yawned once and Gabriel pointed to a bed.

"Sleep now. We train and head off to our first destination tomorrow." Gabriel smiled at Cesar. Without much hesitation, he jumped into the bed and fell asleep.

Gabriel let out an amused hum.
"He's cute."

The next morning Cesar groggily sat up in the bed. He yawned and stretched. His eyes wandered around the warehouse as he slowly became more and more awake. It was basically empty except for a random door in the center of the warehouse and a fridge. His eyes traveled to the foot of his bed where an all white uniform laid.

Cesar ignored it and got out of bed. He walked over to the fridge and opened it. There was a singular slice of yellow American cheese in a bag. It was on the middle shelf of the fridge. Cesar shrugged and grabbed the cheese out of the bag. He quickly shoved it in his mouth and walked back to the bed.

Just then, Gabriel walked through the door, this time in an open black jacket with a cross on the back, a green shirt, and black jeans. His hair was still back, but it looked less messy than before. The converse had been swapped with green tactical boots.

"Gabriel, why do you dress like an emo?" Cesar asked the archangel.
"I don't know. Why do you dress like a European exchange student?" Gabriel held a cocky grin as he placed a brown paper bag on a counter next to the fridge. Cesar didn't reply as he walked over to Gabriel.
"The outfit on the bed is what you are to wear for the missions."

Cesar made his way back to the bed and looked at the outfit. He was completely flabbergasted.

 He was completely flabbergasted

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This was the outfit given to Cesar.
"You're making me dress like a femboy?! I don't want to be a twink!" Cesar wailed in distress.

"I didn't choose it. The gods did." Gabriel held back laughter as he unpacked groceries and put them in the fridge.
"Which god chose this. I am not afraid to throw hands." Cesar looked up to the roof of the warehouse and flipped it off.
"Don't get struck down, young one."

Cesar was forced to wear the pretty white outfit.

Gabriel taught Cesar a few fighting forms. Cesar, being the clumsy hoe that he is, hurt himself a bunch of times. Many bruises later, Cesar was panting and shaking on the ground. Gabriel made his way to the door in the center of the warehouse. The angel pushed a button which made the door light up. He opened the door, which revealed a glowing blue orb on the inside.

Cesar stood up and looked in awe at the portal. He walked up to it and felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at Gabriel who smiled and nodded. Cesar offered a hand over to Gabriel who took it.

With one more breath, Gabriel and Cesar hopped into the door. It closed behind them and nothing but silence remained in the warehouse.

Bingus bongus. You are pongus. -Rome

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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