*(XXXX) refers to crossed out text.
To James Hamilton.
I have received Your last letter with joy and relief, though forgive me for being concerned for Your health. Does Lytton continue to treat You with the same nonchalance that I remember? I recount him being very distant from both of us, especially You, with Your strange habits and manners of speech. I'm afraid that with how extensively You work, You shall fall ill. Take a break, my Friend.
Elizabethtown is treating me well- although I'm finding difficulty to sustain any friendships. Do not worry though, as that leaves me with more time to study. The food is simply exquisite here, and I wish to share some with You someday- mayhap I can send a parcel in with my next letter? I know that Lytton didn't feed You well.
How are You doing yourself? How is Your work treating You? I have not heard much from You, and I will pester you until you answer. While I understand that You are not as confident in writing as I, that is No Excuse to not reply. While I have no ill feelings for You, I would rather not worry over meaningless scenarios during my waking time.
Yrs Sincerely,
Alexander Hamilton.
PS: every letter you send has the same peculiar scent. It's not something I'm complaining about, but I'm curious- where does it come from?
You really worry too much- I am doing great- I'm just a bit tired. Peter's still the same and honestly I don't think he'll ever change, but he isn't bothering me. I'm fed decently, and I don't sleep hungry. I'm alone most of the day (slaving away at various letters that Peter can't bother to answer ;-;), so your company is missed. I'm not getting sick anytime soon, so don't worry about that. :)
Alexander, friends are important! I know that you'd much prefer to hole up in your room and write the night away, but a social circle is something that everyone needs. I know you told me that you don't need friends, but like, come on, don't be that stubborn! If someone offers a kind hand, don't push them away, okay?
You're a dirty hypocrite, Alexander. I'M the one with an extensive workload? Have you seen yourself?? Yes, I work much more than before, but I'm also worried about you. How is your health doing? Summer is close- please take care, for me if not for yourself.
I'm sorry for not replying to every letter! It's not my fault that I can't keep up with your relentless pace. I get a letter from you, what, every other day? Peter has stopped telling who they're from, he just gives me a look and tosses them on my desk. Though keep writing- it helps me deal with the loneliness in this dull house :)
Hope to hear from you soon,
Yours sincerely AND affectionately,
'James Hamilton'.
PS: it's my mother's perfume. It's a nice way to know who the letter is from, is it not?
To 'James Hamilton'.
The smell of perfume fills my room once again. It is good to hear from You- You are quite slow in Your replies, and I was ready to send another letter in case mine got lost. Hopefully the delay isn't caused by our combined workload, but I am afraid that that is exactly the case. Rest if you feel tired, please.
Your way of writing continues to confuse me, but I am learning. It is a bit of a puzzle to me, but it is intriguing. I cannot decide whether You are playful, rude or simply informal. Either way, You are a fascinating man. Though I do have a question- what does 'okay' mean?
While I understand Your concern, friends aren't a necessity to me- I am perfectly happy as I am now. Receiving letters from You is enough :) (Have I used it correctly?)
I am not a hypocrite for worrying about Your health- You worry for mine, too. Does that make you a hypocrite? No, I simply worry because I care, so allow me to do so. There is only one J(XXXX) of You.
I am managing with my summer illness well enough. I was given a few days to rest, so that leaves me at a complete lack of work. I ache for something to do- at least I was permitted to write you letters. But do not worry, because I am hydrated and resting. But do write back soon, as I am terribly bored.
It is pleasing to know that my letter bring you some level of comfort.
Yrs Sincerely, Affectionately AND Faithfully,
Alexander Hamilton.
PS: hopefully, there's a parcel attached to this letter.
Oh my god, you're learning! Alexander, I'm so proud :'D And okay is just a way of saying yes or agreeing to something. It's a language thing- I don't know if English speakers say it.
Thank you so much for the food, I may or may not have inhaled it all in one go. Do you eat this every day? If so, then I'm soo jealous! It's good to know that you're eating well, though.
Yours sincerely, affectionately, faithfully AND enviously,
'James Hamilton'.
My curiosity is getting the better of me. I simply cannot resist asking of Your Name. It is an unusual thing to ask after knowing each other for a while now, but James Hamilton is my brother's name, not Yours. I have gotten used to referring to You as James in my head, as that was the name I had accidentally bestowed upon you in Nevis. It was in the spur of the moment, and I was not thinking clearly and I sincerely apologise.
Yrs Sincerely, Affectionately, Faithfully AND Curiously,
Alexander Hamilton.
Peter Lytton killed himself. Gun to the head.
Yours Sincerely, Affectionately and Faithfully,
Becoming a Founding "Father"- Historical Hamilton
أدب تاريخيTime traveling to the 1760s is as fun as you would've thought it to be. Too bad that I didn't think about it, and now I'm stuck in a foreign time with some orphan child from the Caribbean and no knowledge on how anything works. ---- The fifth of Ju...