How You Met Them:Cat Version.

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Hey y'all,I've seen lots of content like this on other fandoms so I thought I'd make one for ours.We can't be left behind,you know.Just because the webtoon already ended,doesn't mean our love for it,ended as well.
Although this is because I just picked Noblesse up this January,the webtoon,I mean.I thought it was only an anime at first.
I read it when I remembered that one anime with a hot blond guy and a really elegant,handsome,pristine,pure,black haired guy at the start of the quarantine.

Ahhhhh,I went off-topic again....

Anyways,please enjoy this one,before I go off topic again.


You found this cute little blond cat with blue eyes at your local rescue center.
You absolutely fell in love with him!
He was so cute!

When you first arrived at the center,a cute blond cat sat right infront of you.
He was using his cat skills to charm you!
And you let it work.

After going back for about two to three times,you noticed he was always with another black cat.

You asked the one in charge of them and they told you they have been at the center for about a whole year now,normally,cats get adopted really quick and almost all of them don't even need to stay there for a month.
They said it was because the blond cat- they told you it's name was Frankenstein.He refused to come with anyone who didn't want to take in the other black cat with him,Raizel.They call him Rai for short.

It was because of the superstition that black cats were a symbol of badluck.His red eyes also didn't help,they found his eyes really eerie and scary,though you found it cute.

You met Raizel the first few times you visited,and you also liked him.He was cute,but you weren't sure if you could accommodate two cats at once.

But after hearing his story,you decided you'd take them both in.
After a few weeks of visiting them at the center,you were finally able to take them home.

And that is the story of how you somehow lost the ownership of your house to your blond cat- Frankenstein.

Why?Because Frankenstein and Rai kept bringing home injured and abandoned cats!

Frankenstein is also the one who decides what they eat for the day!

He hisses at you like he's scolding you whenever he sees crumbs.Whenever he goes into your room he'll meow and hiss at you because he deems it messy and cluttered,though you could swear you cleaned your room last......week?month?or maybe last year?You can't remember.

The first cat they brought home was  grey-furred,with a scar across his lips.His name,according to the collar is M-21,apparently,he was used as a test subject for drugs and other products by a shady company that just got busted.

Back to the matter at hand.

Mind you,the "house" you live on is just a small apartment near the place you work at.

The second time they brought cats in,the number increased by one.

Onto the second batch of cats,one of them had black and white hair,that one was very cheeky.His collar said "Tao."

The other was a purple cat.He was quiet.Really quiet.
The name on his collar said "Takeo."

Raizel was soooooo cute so you couldn't say no.When they brought the injured cats in,Raizel came up to you and meowed.As if he was asking if they could keep the cats or rather, brainwashing you to thinking you need the other cats they brought,meanwhile Frankenstein pulls them up to his cat bed.

You didn't deny the cats and fed them as well.You gave them all their own cat beds and stuff,anything a domesticated cat would need to live.

But hey!Now,you got lots of cats to wake you up at 2 am with meowing and/or vomiting!
Very convenient,no?
Besides,what's so bad about having to scoop out turds from the litter box two times a day?It's exercise!

You just hope they don't bring in more cats,because if they do,you'd need a bigger house.At fast.

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