Fun With Frankenstein Pt.2

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Tao:"Boss,do you take constructive criticism?"

Frankenstein:"I only take cash or credit."

You:"How is the sexiest person in this room doing~?"

Frankenstein:"I don't know,how are they~?"


The two of them,from the other side of the living room.

Tao:"I'm doing great you two,thanks."

Karius:"I am doing fine as well,thank you very much for your concern."

Tao:"You know Boss,it hurts when I do this." *touches a part of his body*

Tao:"Ouch!See,Boss?It really hurts.I don't why it won't heal!"

Frankenstein:"Then don't do it."

Another one for the high school Au.

*Raizel walks by Frankenstein and Urokai*

Urokai:*starstruck* "Ugh!My heart is pounding so hard onto my chest!I think I'm going to puke my heart out!"

Urokai:"Wait,you're a medical student,right?What should I do?"

Frankenstein:"Swallowing it back is the best option you have unless you have someone else to donate their heart to you."

Urokai:"It's that bad!?Well,Raizel-senpai-nim really is something!!" *says this with glittering eyes*

Frankenstein:*rolls eyes* "Well,I can't argue that Raizel-senpai-nim is something really.......amazing."

Karius:"You know,I got arrested last night because the humans said I was too handsome."

Frankenstein:"And the charges were dropped this morning due to lack of witnesses and evidence."

Tao:"Boss?Y/N?Why are your tongues purple?"

Y/N:"We had slushies.I had a blue one."

Frankenstein:"I had a red one."



Raizel:"You drank each other's slushies?"

Haha😆 It's a suprise I'm still here fooling around even if it's the first day of school again lol😂
Anyways,random ideas popped themselves into my head and here we are.

I'll try updating regularly,but since school is here,expect that there will be unexplained disappearances that can last from days to weeks.But don't worry,I won't abandon this or any of my ongoing works.I just need more ideas so if you have any,please share them to me.

Anyways,thanks for reading!


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