...My business...

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(........It has to be done. More Drama!!!!)

As I laid with Yaoyorozu on the couch after the tears were finished and we were done being emotional. I noticed she was falling asleep, and I smiled at the sight of her. That's when my dumbass phone had to ruin the moment.

It sat at the coffee table, ringing. For real being the worst wing man in history.

Yaoyorozu opened her eyes and looked at the phone. She then simply slid off of me so I can get up and grab my phone.

Stupid phone.

I sat up on the couch and reached for my phone to see it was my fake father calling me. I rolled my eyes as I answered.

Y/N: Hello?

Fake Father: Hello? Y/N? Listen we need to talk.

Y/N: No, we don't have to discuss anything. What happened, happened and I'm willing to just let go.

Fake Father: Ok well, you might be able to let go but I can't. I want to apologize in person and explain my reasoning. I'm sure you have some curiosity on what happened. Don't you?

I paused for a second. He was right, I want an explanation, and I want an apology for what happened. For impersonating my father, betraying my trust, and all of it ending with me in the hospital. I need to know why.

Fake Father: I promise this is not a hoax. So, if you consider...please meet me at park near your apartment. I'm here now.

I sighed and collected my thoughts.

Y/N: Fine. I'll meet you there.

I didn't give it a second thought and just hung up. I turned to Yaoyorozu and thought for a second if I should just ditch the meeting and stay here with her. Deciding "fuck it" I wanna know why he did everything he did.

I kissed Yaoyorozu on the cheek and whispered.

Y/N: Stay here, I'll be back.

Yaoyorozu: Where are you going?

She mumbled, enough for me to hear.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. Just stay here.

Yaoyorozu: You always do this.

She opened her eyes to look at me.

Yaoyorozu: You always say "Don't worry about it" and just take off without explanation.

Y/N: No I don't.

She looked at me with an "Are you serious?" Type of face.

Y/N: Ok..ya I guess I do, but-

Yaoyorozu: No buts, like seriously everytime you tell me not to worry, you always end up getting into trouble or getting hurt.

I stayed quiet and listened to her concerned voice.

Yaoyorozu: Where are you going anyways? You seemed upset with the person you were talking too.

Y/N: It doesn't matter. He's not important in my life.

Yaoyorozu: That isn't an excuse.

In slight irritation, I got up from the couch and went to grab my shoes.

Yaoyorozu: Hey, what are you doing? You didn't answer any of my questions!

Her concerned voice turned into slight irritation. I know I'm gonna fuck up, but I'm too irritated to sort this out honestly.

Yaoyorozu: Y/N!

I turned to her.

Yaoyorozu: Just tell me where you're going. It's not that difficult.

Y/N: Jesus Christ fine!

That came out meaner then I intended...

Yaoyorozu: What's with the tone Y/N?

Y/N: Ok I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound angry.

Yaoyorozu: Where are you going?

Y/N: I'm going to see my fraud of a father.

Yaoyorozu: Fraud? What do you mean by that?

I rolled my eyes and opened the door to leave.

Yaoyorozu: Y/N!

I looked at her. She calmed down a bit, and looked at me with concerned eyes.

Yaoyorozu: Just promise me you're not gonna get hurt..

I just nodded and just left. A little irritated, I'll admit to that.

She's right I guess, it wasn't hard to answer, but this is my business. I would rather just keep it like that.

"Mann...this story is coming to an end soon. I'll do a bonus chapter tho!"

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