...The truth...

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Honestly I should tell Yaoyorozu everything. If anyone deserves to know everything it's her. I just could never bring myself to tell her everything I've been through. The reason why I disappeared on middle school, the real reason why I don't live with my parents and just everything in general.

I don't know why I'm thinking about this now. I have a meeting to go too, with my fraud father.

I heard a Ding from my phone, telling me I had a notification. I checked it and saw it was from Uncle Landlord.

Uncle Landlord 👹: We're you and Yaoyorozu fighting?
Uncle Landlord 👹: Hey where are you? You're not in ur apartment.

I decided to ignore his messages. I was already outside, what's the point honestly.

Uncle Landlord 👹: Why aren't you answering? Are you getting into trouble again??

My phone buzzed.

I was halfway to the park. The night was warm. I would rather it be cold but hey, I can't control the weather.

When I had finally arrived I saw my fraud father near the pond. He noticed me coming and waved. I went over to him and in silence we walked to the bridge.

Instead of facing each other we awkwardly looked at the water until he spoke.

Fraud father: So I guess that first thing I should start off with is an apology. So, I'm sorry. Deeply sorry, Kid.

I nodded and waited for him to go on.

Fraud Father: Ok...so do you want me to start off by introducing my real name, or why I had to do what I had to do?

Y/N: Your name.

He looked at me and nodded, clearing his throat a bit.

Fraud father: Ok well..my name is Antonio. I'm no where near related to you, and my quirk...

I looked at him and the face I recognized as my father's soon changed to the man name Antonio.

Antonio: You get the point of my quirk...

Y/N: Right..so why did you pretend to be my father?

Antonio: Your mother..

He paused.

Antonio: wanted you assassinated..

I looked at him with disbelief in my eyes.


Antonio: She hired me to kill you. I set up a plan..to go to the mall and have a gang shoot it up. Although..I just couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to kill you.

I tilted my head and looked at him.

Antonio: When we first met..you were confused, and happy in a way to have your father back. You have a good job, go to a good school, have a good girlfriend and others that care about you. I couldn't kill you, and I will never understand why your mother hired me.

He paused for a second before continuing.

Antonio: You deserve to live. No matter how much she wanted to pay me, I would never cheat you out of your life, and take it from you.

Throughout this conversation, he finally looked me in the eyes. His eyes showed me he was being truthful.

Antonio: I believe I explained everything. Do you have any questions?

Y/N: No, I heard enough. I'm not too surprised my mother wanted to kill me.

Antonio: She never explained but..what did you do? Why does she wish you death?

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