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"What do you mean there's a problem with me going to California? I thought you said everything was just formality?" Gabby yells into her phone and flicks her hand at the people around her giving looks.

Ava sits on the couch in her and Lexa's apartment and does her best to remain calm and not cave to the emotions she's currently feeling while talking to the teenager, "Gabby, apparently a relative of yours has come forward and is trying to block the move and adoption." 

"I don't have any relatives. They searched before and couldn't find anyone; so, what's different, now?" 

"From what I understand, it's an Uncle, who was incarcerated on drug charges at the time and when they did the initial search the name Ortiz, was entered with an E rather than I, in the system." 

"I remember some of the papers my case worker has, have my Dad's last name spelt with an E rather than I."

"Yeah. It sounds like there's also some questions surrounding the location of your birth."

"What do you mean?" 

"This individual claiming to be your Uncle is contending that you were in fact, born in Mexico, not the US." 

"I remember visiting Mexico when I was younger, and my Dad was born there, but, my Mom was American and she always said that I was born in North Carolina." 

"I don't know what to say Gabs, other, than the claims are being investigated. Sam mentioned that it's possible he actually is your Uncle, but, that his claim on you is more about trying to get money than anything."

"Great, so where does the leave me? I mean, I don't have any documentation that can prove where I was born; so, I'm basically an illegal, in my own country at the moment. If a Judge accepts his claim then does that mean I'm moving to Mexico?" 

"Gabby, I know this isn't what you were hoping to hear and it's not what I was hoping to tell you, but, do you best to try and not focus on what's happening in the system, right now. We've got lawyers, investigators, case workers, anyone who's anyone working on our behalf in order to make this adoption happen. Trust me when I say, there's not a chance in hell that you're moving to Mexico and that everything will work it's way out, okay?" 

"I guess so." Ava feels horrible knowing that Gabby is in tears on the other end of the line and she can't do anything more than attempt to reassure her with words. 

"I have to go now, but, keep your head up and phone charged; I'll be in touch as soon as I know anything more. Also, expect Mia to be calling and checking in on you once, San Diego hits town for their match against the Courage." 

"She already messaged and let me know they land on Thursday." 

"Cool. I love you, Gabby and I promise; we'll get through this." 

"Love you, too, Ava. Give Lexa a hug for me and tell her thanks for the jersey." 

"Jersey? What jersey?" 

"Lexa sent me one of her jerseys and some Angel City swag." 

"She didn't send you one of mine?" 

"No offense, A; but, no one looks good in Pepto Bismol pink and it was either that or another banana coloured one and well, I can't pull of yellow." 

"I've been pushing for more colours for the keeper kits, but, until the league's contract ends we're kinda stuck with whatever they come up with. Crap, okay, I really need to go; I have a meeting with my agent to get to. I'll be in touch soon. Bye, Gabs." 

"Bye, A." 

Ava circles around the apartment looking for her keys, fighting her thoughts and tears makes it all the more difficult. Making her way back towards the bedroom, she begins tossing things around as she continues to search for them. 

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