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A few weeks later and Gabby and Wren have now settled into an apartment together in the triangle region. As the alarm sounds out, Gabby turns over and can't help but smile as Wren turns it off before turning back over to face towards her in their bed. 

"Morning, beautiful." 


"How are you feeling about today?" 

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a bit nervous about the game." 

"First touch of the ball and the nerves will be gone." 

Wren chuckles, "Isn't that what I usually say to you before a game?" 

"Yep, but, being as though only one of us is currently playing; I'm spinning it on you. I'm getting up to make us some coffee and breakfast and you can find something for us to watch while we eat." 

"Look at you taking being all sexy and taking charge." 

Gabby laughs, "Babe, if it was up to you, we'd still be sleeping." 

"True, or we could be doing other things." 

Gabby shakes her head, "Make you a deal superstar; you have a good game and then we can do other things after supper with all the rents."

"But ..."

"Not a chance." 

Wren gives her a smile, "Can we atleast shower together or is that now off limits as well on game days?" 

Gabby shakes her head, "Provided you can behave, I'm sure I can make an allowance for us to shower together." 


"Uh huh. Enough, with that; it's not going to work. We've spent way too much time in bed the last few days, and I've been lazy and not even gone for so much as a run." 

 Wren leans over and kisses her before moving back and smiling at her, "Te amo." 

"Love you, too." 

Gabby climbs out of bed and puts on some clothes before making her way towards the bathroom to clean up before making breakfast. 

Wren lays back and stares at the ceiling, smiling and thinking about how later on in the day she'll be making her NWSL debut for North Carolina, something that's been on her mind since the Courage made a huge draft day trade to ensure that her spot on the club. 

New Message

Bodhi: The Moms are all having breakfast together, it's weird; I feel out numbered. 

Wren: Just be glad that they sprung for a separate room for you. 

Bodhi: I would have slept on your couch. 

Wren: Gabs and I like to wander around naked and I'm sure you wouldn't want to see that. 

Bodhi: Ewww. Nope. I'm out! Not cool with the idea of seeing you naked. Nervous about tonight?

Wren: It's only the moment I've been dreaming about forever, so, yeah, I'm nervous. 

Bodhi: You'll be fine, Sis. I'm proud of you, you know.

Wren: Don't go soft on me now, Bro. 

Bodhi: Let's just say that over the last few weeks and months I developed a much better understanding as to some of the stuff you had to overcome to get where you are now and I'm not sure I have the strength that you have. 

Wren: Something I should know? 

Bodhi: Quinn is pregnant, but, we always used protection and I'm not sure the kid is mine. 

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