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My hands were shaking in anger holding the SONY a7 IV while looking at the blurry picture, our photographer shot during the welcome program for this school year, made my blood boil!

If this is my retribution from being  numb against the emotions of the people who I interact with! Then this is too mu- I mean okay passable!

"Sorry Chief the people were bumping each other and... I was one of the people they bump to... I swear I will take other shots! g-good shots I promise, Chief!" Alex said bowing showing me how sorry he was.


"Whatever just do your job right. I get that it's all rowdy and all, but please Alex did you not check them if your shot was okay for the school paper or not? I just hope you did a lot of shots during that important event! God that was the speech of the President of the sports club. You all know they are popular and influential among those freshmen." I said still feeling like I have lost an important thing. My heart hurts so bad!

"Uh, Chief Cloud, I have asked around for those who took a photo when President Dark was having his speech.  Uh luckily Light have, he said he's willing to share us a copy." Jana my assistant editor said flustered.

I have my rules in creating our news for the school paper, and one of them is "Never insert pictures that took by the people outside the organization (unless some emergencies or if it is required and needed that the organization cannot control.)" And I think this is some kind of an emergency.

"Alex be thankful I really need pictures like that, next time do your job well." I said

"Copy Chief, sorry again." He said timidly.

"I'm not doing this because I want you to be ashamed, but to teach you, not just Alex but all, that we should check out works first for emergencies like this can happen."

"Copy Chief!"

"Good. Jana contact your source and get a copy of that photo."

I was so stressed from the moment I woke up until now! Why would this misfortunes be bestowed upon me this day?

Can it just be next time like dude not today!

I massage my throbbing head and sat down on my chair inside the INFORMERS Office.

INFORMERS is the name of our University's publication. We are assigned to give news articles to the students depending on the events in University. Our daily issues are posted online in our page, that was made just for us and it was made by the University.

My tense body relaxed pretty fast, because I now can control my emotions. I need to.

I whip my head towards the door when there is a knock as I gave a 'come in'

"Chief, Rain said he wants to talk to you" Levi, my other assistant but more like a secretary.

"Okay" I shortly replied

My eyes went wide when I saw Rain WITH Wind carrying her on his arms! THE HECK!

Rain went inside and closed the door and locked it.

"What's with Wind?" I said still shocked!

"CLOUD!" Wind shouted at me while wiggling down from Rain and went to my arms hugging me like a kitten.

My eyes softened seeing her like that. But my eyes went back to Rain, my stupid brother.

"Why is she here?" I asked him with my eyes glaring at him.

He sighed and said "Dad was out for a business trip. Wind was crying in front of Dad this morning just after you rush to school. She said she was going to be alone again so I just said I will play with her here. It was just first day of school so it's good. But she wants to see you too."

"Dad went out? I didn't even know" I said lost for words.

"Cloud you were busy that's understandable and Dad doesn't want to bother you it's just for two days" Rain said making me feel less guilty.

"Make up for it, I'll leave Wind to you for now, let's meet up at lunch" Rain said as I nod in response.

"Wind baby, I'll be going now hm? I'll leave you with Cloud and play with him, we'll see on lunch" Rain kissed Wind on her forehead and left.

"Cloud what should we do now?" Wind asked me with her beautiful innocent eyes, making me smile.

"We do what you want. What do you want?" I asked her.

"Oh! I know! I saw a lady a while ago she was holding some cotton candy. I want one, please?"

"Yeah we can have one but drink a lot of water after okay? It's sweet"

I carried Wind in my arms and locked my cubicle then went out saying my bid to the people in the Office.

"Cloud I'm so excited! I want the green one" she said excitedly as I nod and smile at her.

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