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The siblings are walking towards the stall area, where the booths of the different colleges of the university are, everyone in their way can't help but look at the pair.

One is the handsome Editor -in- Chief of the school's press and on his arms is a cute girl clinging happily at the handsome man.

"Cloud, why are people looking at me?" Wind asked and hides shyly in his brothers neck.

Cloud internally sighed and patted Wind to comfort her.

"They are just admiring how cute you look, you look specially adorable in your pink tutu" Cloud said to his sister.

"I knew I was right to wear this tutus, Rain wants me to wear the yellow one, hmpp!" Wind complained cutely. So adorable.

"Yeah, Rain did a wrong thing to make you wear another dress"

Cloud stopped in front of a cotton candy stall and bought one with the green colored flower for Wind. When they got the candy he paid for it and they leave with Wind smiling happily with her candy on her hands.

The two were enjoying their time when Wind squeal looking a bit far. Cloud frown his brows and look at Wind, who was still looking far with shining eyes, and asked her.

"What are you squealing for, Wind?"

Wind pouted and look at her brother "I saw the handsome guy again, brother" she said and hides from his brother's neck when she saw the handsome guy was walking towards them.

"Again? Who?" Cloud asked her naughty baby sister. Wind hushed his brother because the handsome guy is so close to them, and she thought what their father always reminds her, that we shouldn't talk behind people's back. But they be talking in the handsome guy's face though.

"He's close to us, the one in black with some games in his shirt" Wind whispered in his brother's ear. Cloud whip his neck towards the guy and he was surprised that the guy his sister found handsome was none other than the Sports club President, Dark Night.

"D-Dark?" Cloud said out loud making Dark look at him with eyes asking.

"You need something?" Dark asked and walk in front of them.

Cloud was still shocked, and as for Wind she was even shy to look at the handsome guy who is now in front of them, so she unconsciously cling to Cloud untill he coughed because he's loosing air to breathe.

"Wind you might want to cling less to me, please? You want me to die baby?" Cloud softly said to his sister.

"Ohh" Wind exclaimed and loosely cling to his brother with sorry smile, that Cloud nodded in reply. Cloud looked at Dark who is still standing in front of them, but Dark's eyes were looking at them with amusement. Cloud lift his right brow as Dark look at him again and asked "You need anything?"

"Um no, my sister just found you attrac- mmpp?" Cloud was lost when his sister covered his mouth with her hands and was looking at him dissatisfied. Cloud chuckled and said "Sorry, Wind. Is that a secret? you didn't told me it's a secret"

Wind gave a cute hmmpp and looked at the handsome man. " I'm sorry handsome guy, we don't mean something by talking behind your back." She said shyly while saying sorry.

Dark chuckled at how cute they are and said "it's okay, I'll grant you the permission talk behind my back. My name is Dark, you are?"

"I'm Wind Reef and this is my brother, his name is Cloud Reef! Nice to meet you brother Dark" Wind said smiling

"You too" Dark replayed smiling.

Wind looked at his brother expecting to do the same, but she saw her brother browsing his phone texting someone. She shook his brother to get his attention, and when Cloud look at her, she smiled and said "Since we are sorry, Cloud will treat you with cotton candy! It was so good I ate one a while ago. Do you want green flowers too?" Wind asked Dark.

"I would love too, but I was tied up with something, maybe later okay?" Dark said

"Okay" Wind said a bit sad and disappointed. Seeing her like that Dark proposed to have lunch instead.

"What about we have lunch together? Sounds good?" Dark said and looked at Cloud who was looking at them confused. Cute.

"Okay!" Wind said without waiting for her brother's approval.
"Cloud?" Dark said asking him.

Cloud was still confused as he looks at Dark and turn to his sister who made the decision herself. He was about to deny the lunch, but Wind is giving him puppy eyes making him sigh. What do I have to say, when you are giving me a look.

"Yeah no prob, give me your number I'll text you later." Cloud said and they exchange numbers. And Dark bid them greeting and rush away.

"Wind you shouldn't do that, you should ask for my permission first okay?" Cloud said to her softly, not making her feel bad.

"Okay, I'm sorry Cloud" she replied and cling to his.

"Yeah, yeah, but seriously don't do that. Be thankful I knew Dark."

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