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Summer, 1997
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"Looking for trouble, he'd say

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"Looking for trouble, he'd say.
"You're gonna look til you find it.
"Trouble is the looker, she'd answer. "It keeps looking till it finds you. Might as well find it first."
Why do you want to die?
I don't, she'd say. I just want to live."

It was his fourteenth time reading these lines, as if he's trying to drink it all up, he was re-reading those lines to find the hidden meaning, he reads it again. Jeon was lost in thoughts. Victoria Schwab did a great job here to leave Jeon with many unanswered questions and slightly exhausted at the end, but he had a great experience overall.

A Darker Shade of Magic, Jeon forgot to bring the book with him from the library that day, he blamed himself for not paying attention and allowing his consciousness to swallow in the realm of beauty.

Jeon is in trouble.

And he knows it, he cherish it. Even if this trouble ingest him whole he'll allow it. Wholeheartedly.

Jeon crawled back to bed, knowing he was done for the day and in no time sleep took him over. Hours later, he heard a gentle knock. It was his mother. Jeon hastily opened the door to meet with his mother's beautiful face equally beautiful smile adorning her features. She seemed happy. They sat on his bed, facing each other.

"How is school love?" she asked holding her sons' both hands gently, stars in her eyes. Jeon suppress a shy smile, overcomes it with a confident look, "It's wonderful mother, everyone's so supportive and helpful in times, Mr. Ademar is a great man I must say." his mother gives a light squeeze to his hands, "That's a relief, do let me know If you need anything else, alright love? do not hesitate ... ever." and suddenly Jeon puts his head on his mother's lap, duchess smiles and caress his hair. Jeon leans in the touch.

He wants to talk about it, mother must have answers right?

If I tell her everything the weight would get any lighter?

"You're thinking something, what is it love?" she asks in a whisper caressing his forehead now, "You make those creases when you're in confusion, let it out, share with your mother." duchess points at his forehead creases and starts tickling him. She knows the exact spot. Jeon starts squirming with the giggles, the room fills with laughter, unanswered questions and with a promise of a son to his mother.


Horse riding, one of the biggest enemy of Antoine, but he's helpless when marquess himself invited him to be the audience for his mighty show. Antoine gulps when Jeon pulls the bridle and horse picks up the extreme speed.

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