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Autumn, 1997
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Autumn, 1997————— ✧ —————

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He could hear no more. He couldn't see, couldn't think, couldn't speak.

This couldn't be happening, right? How could it possibly be happening?

He could hardly move, he could hardly move a muscle, so he sit on a chair instead, hands limp in his lap, eyes staring at nothing, and let his mind fly on. He let it fly on until it found the place, one good and safe place, where Fanny and him used to play hide-n-seek. When the water was more clearer, when the grass was more greener, where the cottonwood seeds danced by the thousands in the air, where his uncle Fanny used to read a book beneath a common chokecherry tree and Taehyung used to nap for hours beside him, where he used to dream, good dreams, beneath the watchful gaze of his uncle and the heaven. Where did it go? Where did it all go?

He is Not Dead, He's just away. Uncle Fanny cannot die, he cannot leave me.

It shattered him, his heart sinked, as if the land beneath his feet is gone and he's falling in the deep never-ending pits when he heard the news. Chris came to him, he sneaked in the palace somehow due to the crowd. However, they took his uncle's body to E. Connard's Funeral Home in Lunéville, Lorraine, already. They'll be planting him tomorrow.

He wish he'd paid better attention. He didn't yet think of time as finite. Taehyung didn't fully appreciate the reasons behind his uncle's actions, those stories his uncle used to tell him, until he became adult, and by then he had to deal with his uncle's drinking habit.

The alcohol overdose killed him. Taehyung is blaming himself for what happened to him. He's the one who let all this happen. He's the reason behind his uncle's death.

Just earlier today he saw him, cutting the woods like he always do, his face was so calm and his movements were precise, but now? The light vanished from his eyes. His chest stilled beneath Taehyung's hands. What happened to his heart? Why did it stop beating? Why?

Taehyung reaches for his cold hand and hold it. It was bold of him to think that his uncle will hold him back, once used to be a warmest hand during the coldest days is now resting there, all cold, lifeless, colourless and still it was bold of taehyung to think, to make such a move. He start crying.

He forgot that anybody was there with him in the room, and start sobbing, he hid his face in his small hands and sobs loudly.

It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up ... And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know. It breaks us. Completely.

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