Birthday pt 2

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I bump into someone it turns out to be Taylor

'Oh sorry I left you.. I didn't want to get ambushed by my sister' I said apologeticly

'No it's fine' Taylor said with a fake smile

'What happened' I said with guilt

'Well' Taylor says hesitantly

She then pulled into a corner in the room

Taylor pov


Me and Y/n pulled up into his sister's house

'You sure you're ok with this' Y/n asked me cautiously

'Yes I'm fine with it Y/n' I replied to comfort him

We both get out of the car and knock on the door


Someone opens the door and who I assume Y/n's sister

'Hey Y/n oh you must be Taylor come in' she said cheerfully as she invites us into the house and greets me

'Hi you must be Y/S/N he's told me so much about you' I replied courteously

'I hope good things' she said as she looks at Y/n

'Don't worry it's good things' I responded with a smile

'I haven't heard of anything about you from him so how long have you known him' she said

'2 years' I replied

'Oh..ohhh' she reacted weirdly

'Ok you ladies talk and I'll get Elisa' Y/n said in a nervous tone as he runs out of our presence

'So your the person then' Y/n's sister said in a more colder voice

But I didn't back because I want to impress his family and this isn't my first rodeo

'I'm not sure what you mean' I said in firm voice but I'm genuinely confused

'The girl that broke his heart' she said still maintaining her cold tone

'Oh....Yeah I'm not proud of it and just so you know that was the worst decision I've ever made in my entire life' I said sincerely with my voice shaking from time to time

'I don't care whether or not you regret it or if he's forgiven you' she said in an angry voice but not loud

'He went through hell because of you' she said as she glares at me

'I know he told me' I said as I fight my urge to cry

'You don't know anything he went through therapy because of you' she said with now her hands pointing at me

I toughen myself up as I fight back

'I know the pain I caused him it's without a doubt inexcusable but I want him to be with me and he wants to be with me and because we love eachother and care for one another and I'm sorry if you don't approve of me but I love your brother than more  anything else in the world I love Y/n' I said with a firm voice and almost screaming as I stare back at her face to face

Good thing by the looks of it there was no one around us to hear about my speech

Before Y/S/N could counter Elisa and a bunch of her friends scream as they saw me

Both me and her put on a smile

'Oh my god your Taylor Swift can I take a picture with you' a girl screamed at me but as a sign of admiration

'Sure but nobody tells anybody where you got the picture okay I don't want this place swarming with paparazzi' I said with a smile as I lower my body to match their height

They nod vigorously which made smile

I take pictures with them and then I excuse myself


Y/n pov

I got mad as she tells me the story of what happened ( excluding her confession about Y/n )

I then turn around to confront my sister but I feel Taylor tug my arm before I could go

'Y/n what she said was true' she said pleadingly

'Still that doesn't give her the right to do that to you in any sort of way' I said

'She was just being a good sister, I hurt you' she said trying to calm me down

'What she did was wrong' I tried to argue

'And what I did was wrong as well' she said as she tries to calm me down

'Taylor I forgave you already that's the end of the matter and that reasoning doesn't make it right for her to you ambush like that' I said with a frustrated voice

'Okay please calm down' she said as she starts to rub my cheeks to calm me down

I start to take deep breaths to calm me down I then hold her hand that's on my cheek

'Thank you' I said sincerely

'You're welcome' Taylor replied with a big smile

I kiss her hands that's on my cheek and I put it down and I hear her whimper a bit

'Why are you whimpering your not my girlfriend' I teased which didn't make her smile but just made her glare at me

'Who's fault do you think that is' she said in a low voice as she stares daggers into me

'Okay okay I'll stop' I surrendered

'Beer' I suggested she nods

I go to the table and pick up two cans of as I pick up the beers and turn around I notice some people in the room looking at me

I give her the beer and I ask

'Okay weird question are people looking at me' I said in a questioning voice

'Yeah they probably are cause we've been so intimate' she said frankly

'No it's probably because I'm talking with you and we haven't been intimate at all' I said honestly

'First of all the first thing you said is probably true and second of all yes we have been intimate I just touched your cheek for a long time and you kissed it' she said with a weird but happy smile on her face

'That's true' I signed

'Let's just enjoy Elisa's birthday party okay' she said

'Fine' I said


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