Oh fuck

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(Important!!! Author's note at the bottom of chapter)

October 29, 2014

Y/n pov (1st person point of view)

Me and Taylor have been talking for about a few hours now but I start to notice something strange about her ever since I said about the incident yesterday


October 28, 2014

I was driving down to the office and I then park my car a few blocks away from the office because I want to get a bit of exercise in the morning to energize myself before working anyway as I close my door and turn off my car

I notice this guy taking pictures of me I then start walking faster but he also walked faster I then increased my speed but he also increased his speed this charade keeps happening and happening until it got to the point I was running well both of...

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I notice this guy taking pictures of me I then start walking faster but he also walked faster I then increased my speed but he also increased his speed this charade keeps happening and happening until it got to the point I was running well both of us were running like hell

I entered the building and said to the guard

'Don't let that guy in the one with the camera' I warned the guard he gives me a simple nod and then I enter the elevator

Back to the present

'Honey you don't need to be worried for me I'll be fine besides he was the only one' I comforted her

But that didn't lighten her worry

'My love believe me I'll be fine anyways when are you coming back to London' I changed the subject

'I don't know when but-soon' she says as she hesitated on the soon

'Honey are you okay' I asked concerned

' Yeah I'm okay just tired from the promotions' she lied

'Taylor please tell me' I asked with concern as I saw through her lie

'Nothing really just genuinely tired from the promotions' she said with a sigh

' Are you eating alright' I asked again

'Yeah...yeah' she lied again

'Taylor' before I could scold her

'okay okay fine I'll try to eat for you' she said with a warm smile

'We'll get through this okay' I said with a warm smile

'Okay' she agreed and I can see tears forming

Taylor we're ready for you I heard someone yell in the background

'Happy birthday sweety but I have to go' she said with a sad smile

' I love you' I said as she ends the call

I thought to myself 'what's wrong with her she'll probably tell me when she's ready to tell'

I then drive to my birthday party in a dive bar on the east

I enter the bar and then I see my friends waving at me I come into the stall

'So what are we doing today lads' I inquired

'Nothing really we're just going to watch rugby and get fucking hammerd!!' Y/F/n your friend scream at the end

Which got the entire bar riled

'yeaaahhh!!!' everyone at the bar screams with beer on there hands

I just start laughing


October 30, 2014
1:37 pm

I wake up with a head splitting headache as I try to stand up but the headache is still there I stay there laying on my bed for a good hour until the headache subsidized to a barely bearable pain

I enter the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and take a bath to relieve my hangover

20 minutes

As I was walking down the stairs the headache got bearable enough to walk

I go to the kitchen where I see my phone charging I turn it on I then start texting Taylor to say good morning well good afternoon

But before I could type good afternoon

I stopped as I read Taylor message to me

Taylor: Y/n I don't think this is working out let's break up 12:49 am

And all I could think was 'what the fuck'

I just stand there staring at the phone rubbing my eyes to the point that of them are reddend just hoping this is my eyes playing a trick on me or me having dream after that though I pinched myself and I felt pain

The realization hit me 'this is real this is real' I just stare at my phone dumbfounded q

'Please tell me this a joke right Taylor' I typed

But no response I tried to call her hundreds of times and sending her thousands upon thousands of messages and everything happened as I try to hold back the years threatening to fall

Taylor pov ( 1st person point of view)

After the phonecall

I just finished my promotion for the day for my album and just got back to my house in Los Angeles

As I sit in my bed while thinking about what happened to Y/n yesterday

'it's not safe for him to be with me what if he gets harassed by the paparazzi or maybe my fans and what about his privacy and his familys' I thought while tears threaten to fall down my eyes

I wipe my eyes of my tears and typed the message of me breaking up with him

I sob while typing my message with each press and while my hands shake I give up typing and throw the phone away and then I just wrap my arms around my legs as I cry for god knows how long

I try again and try again to send the message

I finally send the message and I just broke down crying in my bed as I cover my pillow with my tears and snot

To be continued

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