It's Just the Beginning

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-          Raven Meyers - 17 years old

-          Logan Reed- 17 Years old

-          Dean Reed- 19 years old

-          Dawn Meyers- 16 years old

Hey guys, this is my first FanFic and I hope you enjoy it. Please comment your thoughts and any ideas you might have for the story. And dont forget to vote :) Here is the first chapter.


I was somewhere deep in the woods.

Nothing was in sight and nothing was to be heard.

Suddenly I heard a faint twig snapping noise and I jumped in the other direction only to see a blurred, black figure standing behind a tall old tree. The mysterious figure slowly came closer, one step at a time. As it took on step closer, I took one step back. My heart was pumping so fast that I could feel it in my throat. I continued to take a number of steps backwards until my back fell against a hard trunk. All of a sudden, the figure was now 3 inches away from my face. He then slowly tilted his head towards me and punctured his teeth into my neck. The pain was excruciating and it wouldn’t stop. It felt like he was draining every ounce of blood out of my body. The next thing I knew, I had blacked out.

I woke up screaming, realising in relief that it was just a dream. I turned my head to my clock to see that it was already 7:00am. I jumped out bed, trying to forget about the dream and trying to get ready for my first day of senior year. I did not want to be late. “Dawn!! Get up, we are going to be late!!” I screamed from across the hall. It was so hard to get into the whole school routine after we had about 3 months off school because of Jake’s passing. Sometimes I just wonder why it had to be him. I continued to try to remove all negative thoughts and replace them with new ones like “This is going to be a good year.” I hope, anyway.


The last thing I wanted to do was go to school. Me and Raven have been distant since you know…the tragedy, as everyone calls it. I hated how everyone cared about how Raven is feeling and if she’s doing okay. Don’t people realise that I lost my brother too? It was like I didn’t exist, and at times, trust me, I didn’t want to. My Mum and Dad don’t even talk to us anymore, it’s like they are in their own little bubble. I don’t think they even talk to each other. As you can see, Jake’s passing had torn this family apart.


I drove Dawn and myself to school that morning. It was dead silent in car so I decided to start a pointless conversation. Before I could say a word, Dawn placed her earphones in her ears and shut me out. I wonder what I ever done to her for her to hate me so much. I think that Jake’s passing effected Dawn the most. A week after Jake died, Dawn had an emo slash depression faze. When she came home, I could smell the cigarettes and alcohol on her breath, she was destroyed.

We finally arrived at school, as I saw a group of girls waiting for me across the parking lot. I took a deep breath before I got out the car and tried to prepare myself for whatever was just about to happen. “Have a good day” I said to Dawn, but she had already left. I slowly walked up to all my ‘so called friends’ and the next thing I know, I was surrounded by people expressing their sorrow to me, as if I hadn’t had enough of that. I just nodded and said “thank you, I’m fine” even though I didn’t mean it. I walked into class and sat next to my best friend Hayley Stephens. “I missed you so much, and I wish I was there for you when it all happened” explained Hayley. I told her that it was okay and that it was New Year to start fresh.

Mr Ryan, our principal, brought a new student into our class and introduced him to us. His name was ‘Logan Reed’. He was beautiful. He had brunette coloured hair with deep blue eyes like the ocean. He was tall, fit and had just the right amount of muscle. He had a defined jaw line and short spiked hair. He glanced at me for a short second and our eyes met. He slowly walked and sat on the chair behind me on the right. Hayley’s head shot across to meet mine and gave me that “He’s so hot” look. I nodded and gave her a little wink. I wasn’t sure if he noticed, but I hope he did.

Finally the bell went, signalling the end of a long double period of history. I walked up to my locker that was located right next to Hayley’s. “Logan Reed, huh?, even his name sounds gorgeous” mentioned Hayley. She raised her eyebrows at me and focusing her eyes behind me, telling me to turn around. I saw him approaching my locker and I quickly turned back around to face Hayley and asked “How do I look?” She whispered “beautiful”. The next second I turned around and he was right in front of me. All that was going through my mind was “God he was even more gorgeous up front.”

“Hi, my name is Logan Reed, nice to meet you” He introduced himself.

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