We all have secrets

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Once Logan got back from Raven’s place, he didn’t look so good. When he walked in, he slammed the door shut behind him and punched the wall, making a hole in it. He had some serious anger issues.

“WOAH LOGAN, CALM THE FUCK DOWN!” I screamed, hoping to get my point across. Logan looked at me and gave me the biggest death stare, he wanted to kill me.

“Dean, shut the fuck up! You have to ruin every happy moment in my life! I was hoping I could forgive you for tearing our family apart, but who the hell was I to think that I could trust you with anything! I hate you so fucking much!” he yelled at me, like I did something wrong. I couldn’t quite figure that out yet.

“Dude, relax. I have no clue what you’re on about. Just tell me what got you so angry first.” I asked him. I was actually nervous about what he was going to tell me.

“Did you speak to Raven about me, in the past few days?” he asked

“Raven? No. Why Raven? What did she say Logan?!” I yelled, hoping it wasn’t what I had in mind

“Well if it wasn’t you, it must have been Dawn, Raven’s little sister. She told Raven something about me that has Raven not wanting to talk to me ever again. I have to find out what she told Raven, and how Dawn even found out.” he explained.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I asked curiously.

“Don’t worry Dean, this doesn’t involve you.” he said and stormed out the front door.


When I walked through the front door, I witnessed my mother and Dawn arguing about me. “What’s going on?!” I asked, screaming and wanting an answer fast.

“Ah Raven, just who we wanted to speak to” said my mother and Dawn at the exact same time.

They dragged me into the living room to talk. We all sat on different couches and then Dawn started to talk.

“I saw you and Logan walking home one night. He seemed so familiar, I had seen him before. I sat in my room trying to think where I had seen him for hours, and then I finally remembered. He was a friend of Jake’s. I remember when Jake used to go to work at the garage; I went with him once to help him work on his car. He got an unexpected visitor from out of town, it was Logan. When Logan came, Jake got all shady and was trying to avoid any eye contact with me or Logan. Jake asked me to leave to go home, but I knew something was wrong so I stayed back and hid behind one of the cars and listened.”

“Where is this going?” I asked

“Shut up and listen. The good part is coming. So Jake started to apologise to Logan for some reason. Then Logan started to yell at Jake saying: “Jake, you haven’t payed up for a while, I need the money. It’s important. If you don’t pay up now, Jake I will make you sorry.” Then Jake started to stumble word by word saying “I will have the money soon, I promise. Just give me my last dose and ill pay you in the next 4 days.” Logan then gave Jake a small seal bag with a white powdery substance filled and then said “Jake, this is your last warning. I need the money in the next 4 days.” Jake just nodded and ran out the garage sweating really badly. I could tell he was shit scared from Logan. Then I realised that Logan was Jake’s dealer.” Dawn explained every single detail. When she had told me this, my heart sank to my stomach. “This can’t be true. Logan seemed so sweet.” I cried, hoping this wasn’t true.

Suddenly, there was an extremely loud knock on the door. I rushed to the front door and opened it only to see Logan standing on my front porch with red watery eyes. I tried to slam the door shut but Logan quickly put his arm out to stop it from slamming in his face. “Raven, please let me explain.” he said desperately.

“Logan you don’t need to explain anything to me, I already know everything.” I said, still crying.

“Raven, you haven’t heard my side of the story. I did what I did for a good reason. Please trust me.” he explained.

“What, selling drugs to my little brother has a good reason behind it, I don’t think so Logan. IF IT WASN’T FOR YOU, HE WOULDN’T BE DEAD!” I yelled, at this point balling my eyes out.

Once those words left my mouth, Logan’s face looked so surprised at what I had just said. I could tell he felt for me when he started to cry.

“Raven, you’re not the only one who has lost a sibling. Her name was Sheri. My baby sister was in a coma for 5 days and the only way she would wake up was if we paid $50,000 for a heart transplant. It was only us three, Dean, Sheri and I. Our parents died a few years before so Dean was now our Guardian. So of course we didn’t have the money to save our sister’s life. Sheri was adopted but we loved her so much. We treated her like our real sister.  Dean and I tried everything, desperate to save our sister, so I knew a friend who was a well known drug dealer. It was the only thing I could think of. I asked him if I could help out and that way I could save money to pay for the transplant. So I started to deal cocaine to teens to raise money. Jake was a regular customer. That’s why I was dealing drugs to your brother, to save my sister. Anyway, she died at the age of 15 still in her coma. We never got the chance to say good bye to her and I miss her so much.” He explained, as tears fell down his face.

"Wow, I’m sorry Logan. I shouldn’t have blamed you for my brother’s stupid and reckless behaviour. When Jake had an autopsy, it wasn’t cocaine that he overdosed on anyway it was something called ‘Vertigo’. I’m so sorry Logan.” I pleaded. I gave Logan a hug and stayed there holding him tight.

Hey guys, that was a pretty intense chapter. i hope you liked it.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2013 ⏰

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