My Hero

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“Hi, my name is Logan Reed, nice to meet you” he introduced himself


I blushed as the words echoed in my ears. I felt so embarrassed standing there, speechless. I felt a slight nudge on my back, which was Hayley, trying to wake me from my trance. I stumbled a little, trying to get the words out. Finally I introduced myself to Logan “Hello, I am Rav…Raven” I tried to slip the words out as clearly as I could but, I was just amazed that a guy like Logan would want to talk to a girl like me.


She was beautiful, standing there in front of me looking shocked for some reason. Her eyes were dark as night and her hair was beautifully curled and fell perfectly over her shoulders. In my eyes, she was perfect. “Hello, I am Rav…Raven” she said spitting the words out, just hardly. I couldn’t figure out why she was so mesmerised. Had she seen me before somewhere? I doubt it, I have been out of town for a really long time now, and I don’t think anyone has noticed me but, Raven, she was different.  The girl standing behind Raven couldn’t keep her eyes off me. She kept staring at me and then at Raven and doing that over and over. “It was a pleasure meeting you Raven, but I better get going. See you later.” I ended the awkward silence and walked off in the distance.

I got home only to see Dean sitting there reading the newspaper. “How was school baby bro?” he asked, sounding sarcastic. “Great” I said with a little enthusiasm in my voice. “Oooh what happened Logan? Got a girlfriend already? That would be faster than me brother!” “No I do not have a girlfriend, I just met someone special.” Dean just mumbled to himself, but I didn’t seem to hear him. I walked up to my bedroom, sat on my bed and started to think about…..Raven.


When I got home, the house was empty. Dawn was out with her friends, God knows where and my mum and dad were never home. So I was left alone, as usual. When I am alone, I like to go and visit Jake’s grave and just freshen up the flowers and just sit there and think about the memories we had together. My parents have never visited his grave, and I thought that was just heartless, it was like that he was never their son and they had just forgotten about him. After a while, I started to walk back home, when I approached a group of boys from my school. When I walked passed they yelled out my name and started to push me around until I hit the ground. I felt so low that I didn’t even try to stop them. I was so used to this that I just let them have their fun and let myself get pushed and shoved around like I was nothing. I needed a hero, my hero.


As I took a walk around town, I came across a poor girl lying on the ground surrounded by tall and jock type boys laughing at her and pushing her harder to the ground. My heart broke for this girl, so I decided to go over there and stop those jerks from torturing this innocent girl. When I got there, one of the guys turned his head to face me and said “What are you going to do tough guy?” I clenched my fist and hooked the guy in the jaw and watched as he fell to the ground moaning in pain. The rest of his friends looked at me, grabbed their friend and ran away. Deep down, I felt guilty for punching that boy, but he deserved it. I walked towards the fragile girl, not sure what to do. I bent down to lift her up as she kept her head down in shame. Using both hands, I slowly lifted her head up to face mine. Our eyes met and I couldn’t believe what I had just seen, who I had just seen.

Hello everybody, so that was the second chapter, I hoped you enjoyed it. Pease vote and comment on your thoughts and ideas.

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