Chapter 1: The unlimited hate.

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Here they were, the famous pair of bully, again ruining a peaceful school's day.

"You better give me back my iPad!" The guy with blue hair yelled.

His voice deep and manly, which could scare anyone.

But she wouldn't even give a fuck about the anger boiling in his toned body.

"This iPad will go where my phone have been, mercilessly".

Y/n, the challenger, spat back before turning on her heels and running away.

Taehyung, the blue haired guy, widened his eyes and threw his backpack to his best friend's face, who yelped and covered his eye with his palm.

"Taehyung!! You both piece of shit!!" He yelled while hissing and scanning his eye who was hit by the bag, on his phone screen.

He huffed and made his way to "the" room, where he have been more than his own bedroom during this week.

He kicked open the door and entered in while huffing and dragging Taehyung's bag while the other hand was still covering his bruised eye.

As he sat onto the bed, a woman in her late 30s, came out of the bathroom and looked over at the poor boy.

A sigh left her mouth after remembering how many times he came to the school's nursery.

"So Mr. Jeon, what happened now?" The lady asked, clearly showing her concern yet annoyance.

Jungkook threw the bag across the room out of anger, which bumped into a vase, making it fall onto the ground and shattering it into pieces.

He smiled apologetically and looked over at the nurse who was already done by him.

"Sorry..." He mumbled and the woman just prepared the ice pack after seeing the black cercle, pooling around his right eye, making him look like a panda.

"Are they again fighting?" "Is this even a question?" The boy hissed and poked his cheek with his tongue.

The nurse chuckled at his behavior and put the ice pack on his eye, making him groan.

"Jungkook, this is the 16th time that you are coming here. Are you sure that you are ok?".

She asked while cleaning a random tool, knowing that their discussion would last longer than expected.

"I'm not ok. Every single time, I become the punching bag in their fight even though I take a distance of 5 meters away from them."

"Then take 10 from now" She gave a cheeky smile, holding onto her laughter.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and fell back onto the bed.

He closed his eyes, still pressing the ice pack on his wound, hoping to have some rest.

But this peace was no longer here when he was asked about something.

"But where are they right now?" "Oh shit!!"


"Y/n!! What did you do?!" Taehyung clenched his jaw after seeing his iPad in a deep, brown and disgusting mud.

Y/n just clapped her hands together, showing that her work was done.

"It was the payback. Now you, stay here and watch your iPad getting drown just like I watched my latest iPhone doing so, a few weeks ago."

With that she walked away with a smug smile on, bumping her shoulder purposely into his.

He cracked his neck, out of anger and glared at his iPad dying into the mud.

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